Discover how simply changing the way we breathe can immediately and dramatically change the way we think and feel.
personal growth
Go Ahead… Try Something New!
This past season I set the intention to try new things — a way to face my fears, open my mind and maybe take some risks.
Shifting the Mindset of Failure Can Set Yourself Up to Succeed
Learning to reframe how you see your ‘failures’ will open up avenues of success that you imagined were only possible for others
Transformation & Collaboration: Redefining The Law of Attraction
How the dance between the ego and higher consciousness is the divine space of transformation and soul evolution
The Resistance Paradox: The Courage to be Comfortable with Discomfort
While no one likes discomfort, it is actually a powerful ally — an expression of intuition and guidance to be acknowledged and embraced
Destruction and Regrowth: A Spiritual Awakening of Career and Self
The destruction from a wildfire and subsequent regrowth frames one intrepid woman’s revamping of her life, professionally and personally
I Can’t… or Maybe I Can: Releasing Our Limiting Beliefs of Our Potential
Some people use failure to propel them forward, others use it as an excuse. Which are you? You are capable of far more than you think!
Building a Bridge Between Your Personal Voice and Your Spirituality
Discovering and developing and connecting your personal voice and spirituality is the key to achieving excellence and peace in your life
Mindfulness in the Classroom: Learning from the Inside Out
Bringing mindfulness into schools transforms learning while empowering children with life skills to break cycles of poverty, violence and despair.
How Practicing Personal Growth Can Make You a Better Leader
Being an effective leader is challenging, but there are 6 steps you can take to help yourself and your employees.
A Divorce Made in Heaven: The Gift of Conscious Un-Coupling
Divorce is not for the faint of heart, it is for the strong of spirit. If done consciously, it can be a potent catalyst for transformation and healing, by Sunny McMillan
Living on the Offense or Defense: Replacing Reactivity with Understanding
Learning to listen with an open mind rather than a defensive attitude opens us to learn and allows us to…
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