A toxic, hyper-commercialization of all our holidays has hollowed out their meaning; perhaps it’s time to reverse the trend.
Family, Community, Environment, Travel & Culture
Rituals of Love: Exploring 3 Religious Practices which Foster Faith, Love & Unity
A philosophy professor reflects on practices in Islam, Judaism and Christianity that underscore our oneness as humans in search of love and purpose
The Surprising Benefits of Practicing Kindness and How to Make it a Habit
We all know it is virtuous to be kind, but did you know it has tangible benefits for your wellbeing as well? Practicing kindness is a true win-win.
Breaking Up with Balance: Busting the Work-Life Myth for Women
High achieving women often fall into the trap of seeking an ever-elusive balance, but that can be a straight path…
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Stories of Resilience: A Novel Reflects Our Complex Relationships and Wounding
A psychotherapist draws from her client experiences to craft a novel inspired by human courage and hope in the face of painful circumstances.
How Connecting with Ancestors Can Help Heal Intergenerational Trauma
Trauma comes in many forms and is often a result of family lineage, which is why acknowledging the role of your ancestors can pave a path for healing.