A recent dream reminds me of the journey, the whole journey; where I once was, where I am today (and where I don’t want to go again).
Best Self Bytes
Bite-sized inspiration to-go for your busy Best Self
BECOMING: Beyond Achieving, Acquiring, Doing…Who Are You Becoming?
Are you lost in achieving and far from being? Release yourself from the rat race of ‘doing’ and focus on ‘becoming’…all that your soul truly desires.
Best Self Breather: A Moment of Gratitude, A Tool For Life
Taking a deep breath is about more than just calming the nervous system, it’s about resetting our emotional framework. It’s…
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A God Box: A Practice For Surrendering Worries & Fears
Worry begets worry. It doesn’t solve problems. What if instead, you could gather up your fears, anxieties and worries and hand them over to someone else?
You Can Store It, But You Can’t Hide: Embracing Your (Whole) Past
Coming face-to-face with a bin of photos from the past that had been hidden away, uncovers emotional healing and personal reclamation.
Celebrating The Life Ride: An Ode to My Old Car (and Some Attachments)
How letting go of an old car brought up memories, attachments and most of all, thanks. It’s not the stuff…
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