When a loved one struggles with depression, it can be a tremendous challenge to know how to best support them — and yourself.
Mental & Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, Relationships
How a Pet Can Change Your Life for the Better and the Science Behind It
Pets are more than companions — they provide myriad physical and emotional health benefits, while bringing love, joy and yes, responsibilities.
Bridging The Gap: A Reformed Left-Brainer Steps Into True (Intuitive) Destiny
Instead of either/or…an ex-attorney embraces all of her gifts and unleashes powerful intuitive gifts to represent people in a new way
Getting on Life’s Conveyor Belt: One Woman’s Journey of Transforming What Wasn’t Working into What Was Meant to Be
When life looks good on the outside, but feels less than on the inside — trusting your intuitive self will get you where you’re meant to go.
4 Tips for Designing a Positive and Calming Home
A few simple shifts can transform your living space — and mental space — from chaos to calm.
Natural Healing: How Crystals Can Heal Emotional Pain
Known since ancient times for their healing power, crystals can play an important role in coping with loneliness, isolation and grief.