For me, The Art of Peaceful Living evolved breath by breath, one tiny step at a time over many years…as a means of survival.
Whole Body Wellness
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Improving Fertility
The diagnosis of infertility is stressful and often devastating, but new techniques to calm the mind and body are improving fertility for many women.
Water Therapy for Your Mind, Body and Soul
Water therapy is an ancient healing practice that has been used for centuries to treat various stresses and ailments; here’s how you can leverage its power
Breath, Your Brain and the Power to Change
Discover how simply changing the way we breathe can immediately and dramatically change the way we think and feel.
Your Gut-Brain Connection Might Explain your Anxiety… and Much More
There’s a strong, well evolved, bond between what we think and how we feel… choose your thoughts wisely.
Breathe Your Way to Better Health
From Pharamacist to Breath Practitioner, Niraj Naik explores an ancient and natural way to reclaim health.