We tend to interpret new information as reinforcement for old beliefs; learn to see and release your confirmation biases to open your mind & shift your life
Weightlifting: A Key To Better Heart Health at Any Age
While cardiovascular exercise is important to your heart health, strength training also has myriad benefits, especially for seniors
Ear Seeds: Can An Ancient Medicine Practice Promote Mind-Body Healing?
Ear seeding is an ancient practice currently en vogue, due to its natural ability to ease anxiety, relieve pain, and encourage deep sleep
The Compound Effect: The One Sure Path to Success
Success is created, not found, so pay attention to the seemingly small and insignificant choices that you make on a daily basis
Is Money Your Excuse For Failure?
If you want to increase your chances of happiness and success, start by making different choices around your habits and beliefs around money
Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End: One Doctor’s Experience
A Hospice doctor shares his experience witnessing the paradox of dying: patients on their death bed are often more emotionally and spiritually alive