Meditation is a great way to calm your mind, but did you know that it is also an amazing way to help you become more productive?
Mental & Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, Relationships
A Cure for the Virus of Racism
We can eliminate racism by integrating transcendental meditation into our educational systems to elevate our awareness to level of unity consciousness.
Gratitude: The Gateway To Transformation
When her life came crashing down, one woman discovered the transformational power of gratitude.
Prepare For Your Future With Mindfulness Practices and Positive Habits
Uncertain times can teach you a lot about yourself and your priorities; they can also inspire new routines for growth and self-empowerment
Finding Solace in Silence
Once fearing the void of silence in her life, one woman learns to embrace it, inviting in new sounds, thoughts and perspectives.
The Art of Receiving: The Greatest Act of Generosity
Whether it’s money, love, support, a meal, or even an orgasm, receiving fully allows for vulnerability and nurturing which enhances your wellbeing.