Understanding and tapping into the infinite history of the Akasha gives you a powerful tool for spiritual and personal growth.
Collecting Soulful Wildflowers: Nurturing the Garden of Your Intuition
One woman shares the whispers of her intuitive self and the journey of trusting that ensued — so that we can each do the same.
Using your Intuition to Navigate Your Spiritual Growth
In this time of global awakening and transformation, your intuition is your essential guide on the journey toward greater peace and awareness.
Emotional Intelligence: What Is It and Why Should You Care?
It isn’t simply about understanding your emotions; it’s about managing them so you can improve your experiences and relationships in work and in life
Learning to Hear (and Trust) Your Intuition
You have nothing to lose and much to gain when you begin listening to, and trusting, your own inner knowing — your powerful, intuitive voice
What’s Your Truth? Tools for Discerning What’s Right for You
Learn to discern when something is true and right for you versus when it is not… You’ve got to feel it out
Soul Murmurs: Poetry, Prose and Musings for the Spirit
There are these moments in life, that touch you without sensation. Moments where the divine and mundane intersect and stir something deeper within.
Embracing Your Beastie: Connecting To The Wisdom of Your Spirit Animal
A 4th generation physician living a nature-starved lifestyle saved herself by taking a walk on the wild side — connecting to the powerful guidance of spirit animals
8 Steps to Open to Your Blind Spots and Navigate from Your Intuition
Take down your blind spots: the unconscious patterns of behavior that are fueled by emotions and beliefs — that misguide us from acting upon our truest intuitive senses
Followship: The Surprising Secret to High Impact Leadership
The surprising ingredient for successful leadership is followship — and embracing this construct can optimize both your professional and personal life
The Gifts of Spontaneity and Listening to Your Intuition
Heeding our intuition vs. our ego frees us to experience joyful spontaneity — and vice versa — Spontaneity: carefree freedom…
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The Ripple: How Intuitive Writing Can Change the World, One Word at a Time
A woman’s journey through intuitive writing connects us all to a process for healing the pain of the past