Internal balance requires continuous awareness and intention, yet every step toward that end leads to greater love and fulfillment.
Balancing Act: What I Learned from Letting Go of a Lifetime of Accumulated Possessions
A purge of the possessions held onto for decades clears more than storage units; it frees the mind and heart as well.
Creating Your Chosen Family
As the saying goes, friends are the family you choose…but if you feel lonely, finding your tribe may require a little preparation and intention.
An Invitation to Peace
The divisiveness in the world, the conflicts, the wars, the hatred…stems from the ego; the solution is oneness — so simple and so elusive.
Success & Unworthiness: A Lifelong Struggle with Low Self-Confidence
Despite career success, a high-achiever continues to struggle with unworthiness rooted in early family dynamics.
Nurturing Self-Care in Kids: Activities for Resetting, Refreshing, and Preparing
We hear about self-care, we may even practice it regularly; but what about your kids? Engaging them in healthy, mindful experiences will benefit you both.