Ignoring your privilege does not make it go away, nor does denying its power to make effective change.
Tired of Just Doing? Embrace Inaction as an Opportunity to Realign Your Goals
Inaction can actually yield powerful outcomes… especially when you focus on what you’re feeling rather than doing.
Gratitude: The Gateway To Transformation
When her life came crashing down, one woman discovered the transformational power of gratitude.
Swimming for Strength, Injury Recovery, Positivity and Overall Health
Whatever you age, fitness level or experience, swimming can boost your health and supercharge your mindset like no other activity.
Green Smoothie Recipes To Strengthen Your Immune System
Green smoothies are a great addition to a healthy diet, and can even replace a meal. With the right ingredients, they beat any ‘superfood’ or supplement.
Prepare For Your Future With Mindfulness Practices and Positive Habits
Uncertain times can teach you a lot about yourself and your priorities; they can also inspire new routines for growth and self-empowerment