The journey to living more mindfully can begin at any time, whenever you make the decision to do so — and myriad benefits await.
Real Talk: 6 Women Share How They’ve Been Navigating COVID-19
As the pandemic shifts from shock-and-awe to ‘The New Norm’, 6 women share their coping strategies…from meditation to new businesses.
The Age of Isolation: How Can We Manage It & What Can We Learn from It?
With mindfulness & a little strategy, you can preserve your sanity, your health & be open to receive the gifts of family life during COVID-19
Winning An Emotional Struggle with Partnership, Love and Self-Love
From a childhood of body shame and self-judgment, a woman peels back the layers of her past to find strength to live a life of her own design.
Why Letting Go of Aspects of Your Past is So Hard and How to Make It Easier
We are conditioned to carry the burden of our past into our present, but to live fully in the now and future, we must learn to let go.
How Nutrition Affects Your Mental Health and Simple Tips for Eating Healthier
You know that your diet impacts your physical health — but research increasingly reveals its effects on your mental health as well.