When stress and anxiety hit you, reach beyond conventional medicines to simple, natural remedies to regain your wellbeing
Why You Need To Be More Selfish In 2021
The pandemic put all of our lives into chaos; now it’s time to realign with what you want and need. It’s time to be a little selfish
Inner Beauty Based on Your Enneagram Personality Type
Enneagrams are popular tools for understanding our, and others’, personality traits; here’s a twist on using them for self-care
5 Tips for Creating a Home Office that Won’t Wreck Your Body
Many of us are working from home; here are five tips to make working virtually a bit easier, both physically and mentally
Just Breathe: Using Breathwork to Reduce Stress, Calm the Mind and Relax the Body
Especially in this chaotic time, having tools to relieve stress is essential for your wellbeing, and few practices are as potent as breathwork
Yoga for Sciatica: Seven Poses to Relieve Lower Back Pain
Is yoga beneficial for sciatica? Yes! Here are the 7 best yoga poses for sciatica pain