During this time of global upheaval and uncertainty, there is much to be gained from the saying: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”
Mental & Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, Relationships
How to Use Enneagrams to Find Your Best Self
Want to discover how your personality type can help you become your best self? Then it is time to learn more about Enneagrams!
Craving Human Touch During Isolation? Try This.
This can be a time for us to practice mindful touching of others, so that when the pandemic finally fades away, we can enjoy the touch of humans even more.
Is Your Confirmation Bias Limiting Your Mind…and Your Life?
We tend to interpret new information as reinforcement for old beliefs; learn to see and release your confirmation biases to open your mind & shift your life
Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End: One Doctor’s Experience
A Hospice doctor shares his experience witnessing the paradox of dying: patients on their death bed are often more emotionally and spiritually alive
An Awakening of the Soul, of Humanity, of our Relationship with Earth
As the coronavirus permeates us all, we need to view this global disruption as a wakeup call for consciousness, connection and action