Personal musings and an excerpt from Mark Nepo’s latest book guide us through darkness and life’s messiness — to emerge with meaning and connection
living fully
Being True to You: Honoring Your Calling, One Step at a Time
If you feel stuck right now, don’t give up; meaningful change starts with one small step, a step towards the life you truly seek
Finding Greater Meaning in Life Through Mindfulness, Stillness & Single Tasking
A journey of finding and redefining meaning, harnessing mindfulness, and intentional living, started with a single book
Moonshot Magic: Declaring & Committing to Something Extraordinary
One woman’s journey to an extraordinary life — from addiction and disconnection to seizing life in all of its sacredness, opportunity and exquisite beauty
Saying YES to Life
To say YES is to live. The ability to say YES opens us up to more happiness, strength, positivity, patience and faith in our lives.
Taking Charge: The Key To Our Aliveness
How one woman’s search for deeper meaning and connection reveals a key energetic ingredient that she calls CHARGE
Making Each Day Matter
How would you live… if you only had 6 months?