Improve your productivity, focus, will-power, physical strength and overall happiness with one simple solution — more sleep
Are you struggling with sleep? If so, you’re not alone. I’ve also gone through the awful ordeal of lack of sleep. It’s interesting that even though we’re all looking for methods of transforming our lives, we forget that the only ‘miracle drug’ is getting enough sleep. So, improving your sleep may be the best solution for improving your life.
After much research and through my own experience, I’ve discovered that getting enough rest plays a massive role in our mental health and happiness. (Need more convincing? Read some of the reviews from Try Mattress.)
Here are 5 key benefits to improved sleep:
1. You’ll Be Happier
During a period when I was not getting enough sleep, I noticed substantial negative shifts in my day. In most cases, I felt bored or unwilling to work. Research confirms that reduced rest during the night affects both your mood and working habits. In my case, I often found myself in the manager’s office because of poor performance at work.
2. Sex Will Be Better
Most of us need good sex to be happy, right? If so, then it’s a bit disappointing if you’re not willing to engage with your partner. I had a tough time trying to figure out what was wrong with my body and my lack of motivation. Of course, you can imagine how surprised I was when I realized it was simply because of not sleeping enough. I learned that lack of sleep lowers your libido and can even make you vulnerable to sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.
Furthermore, sleep is restorative. This means that it can increase your testosterone levels, eventually boosting the sex drive for both genders. Therefore, once I started getting enough sleep, my life ‘between the sheets’ improved dramatically!
3. You Can Build Your Muscles More Easily
I love a good gym workout, especially in the morning. I always feel that it gives me the energy to handle the events of the day. However, I’ve learned the hard way that going to the gym should come after getting enough rest throughout the night. If you don’t sleep, you’ll neither have the strength nor the will to go to the gym.
Also, if you want proper muscle formation, start by giving your body the sleep it requires. During the night as you sleep, your body is healing and repairing worn out muscle tissues. Additionally, sleep helps your body to produce growth hormones during the slow-wave rest at the start of the night.
4. Improved Learning
Whether you are a student in school, at work or of life, lack of sleep even impairs your learning ability. For me, as a student, one area that was much affected was my concentration span. I always found myself daydreaming or just ‘zoning out’ while still in class. Of course, my grades that year were terrible, and I knew that I had to find out where I was going wrong.
For adults, getting enough sleep plays a massive part in boosting your short and long-term memories. Once you give yourself enough rest throughout the night, your mind is more alert and focused during the day. This is because sleep relieves, refreshes and relaxes your brain.
5. It’s a Fantastic Way to Stay Fit
I’ve read many studies which show that people who get enough sleep are less likely to become obese. I once experienced a massive increase in weight because I was not getting enough sleep. I thought it was just a sign of a normal, healthy body and did nothing about it. However, after going for a company team building session, I noticed that I had a problem. I kept getting tired, and at one point I had to lay down just to catch my breath.
Unhealthy increases in weight can result from the different hormonal changes caused by lack of sleep. It can make you hungry all the time. Fortunately, however, the solution is quick and easy. Once I allowed myself to sleep, I started noticing immediate improvements. Of course, I had to go through some cardio sessions to get rid of the excess weight, but it all begins with getting enough and comfortable sleep during the night.
It might sound a bit too basic, but feeling happy, healthy and excited starts with good sleep.
If you have trouble sleeping, you can try a few techniques. For instance, I like taking a hot shower before ‘diving’ into bed. It’s helpful to turn off all electronic devices and avoid intense physical activities 30-60 minutes before bed. Establishing a bedtime ritual, which may include an herbal tea, meditation, and/or reading a book (not work) can relax the body and mind in preparation for a restful sleep.
Give your body and mind the rest it needs and you’ll be rewarded with better health, clarity and happiness. Start with tonight!
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