Talking human potential, safe technology, quantum physics —and reclaiming our personal power with author and mastery coach Olga Sheean
In the summer of 2018, I awakened in a fog to find myself lost… metaphysically, logistically and emotionally. A new business partnership was floundering. A personal relationship was crashing. My physical health was spiraling. My home was environmentally toxic. My social life was stagnant. And the world at large felt broken. Again.
But mine is not a Hallmark movie fairytale of a fast-paced New York City woman who had it all and suddenly lost it, only to emerge on a Christmas tree farm in Vermont to meet the love of her life after adorably falling heels first into a snowbank in front of Kris Kringle’s village in the town square.
In fact, I had already moved through bewildering steps of displacement and dispossession many years prior. Chronically ill for decades, existentially worn out, a string of failed relationships, an abruptly interrupted career, a whirlwind of geographical relocation, and extended periods of financial distress. But through most of that, I came to realize, “Okay. I get it. I accept the epic quest set forth for me, equal parts Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, and Divergent. My life is one less ordinary.” But that insight didn’t seem to heal anything.
I’d already done the stuff that you’re “supposed” to do in such circumstances — yoga, meditation, retreats, cognitive behavioral therapy, blood tests, doctor’s visits, acupuncture, Reiki, naturopathy, ending toxic relationships, purifying my home, spending a day with a Shaman, letting go, moving on… and ultimately starting again, somewhere new, from nothing. Yet despite all the work and the therapies, everything fell apart that June of 2018. Again. In a strangely familiar pattern. But this time, in a magnificently dramatic way.
There was clearly no quick magical fix to what ailed me. Nonetheless, there was a path that returned me to everyday magic.
At the time of this new crisis, I’d just finishing reading EMF Off! A call to consciousness in our misguidedly microwaved world by Olga Sheean. This book found its way to me through the usual EMF (electro magnetic frequencies) circles. For me, a writer who covers the impact of electromagnetic fields on environmental and public health, those circles contain some exceptional voices and minds.
Olga’s name stood out to me as the former United Nations employee who, in recent years, had released a number of scientifically rich publications to the World Health Organization, Health Canada, and other international governing bodies, calling for actionable change and accountability to protect humanity and the Earth against wireless radiation. Why a former photojournalist for World Wide Fund for Nature International in Switzerland would pen not only these documents, but also a book on EMFs and consciousness, is testament to Olga’s unique work in human dynamics and her own personal and health journey.
I wanted to learn more. Navigating to her website, I was intrigued by her coaching consultations that spoke of transformative work, quantum physics, and personal magnetism. I sensed a kindred spirit as, like me, Olga had experienced life-altering, adverse health effects from radio frequency radiation (i.e. Wi-Fi, cell towers, and other wirelessly enabled devices), which sent us down parallel paths toward science writing and research. I wanted to learn her methodology for healing, and for dealing with not just my own crises, but those at large in the world. So we had a chat, and began working together.
Olga challenged me more than anyone else ever has. But she also helped me shift myself and my reality, more than any of her predecessors. Plus, as I can personally attest, she has the most awesome lyrical Irish accent. Which made interviewing Olga simply enchanting. Below is that conversation:

Alison Main: You are a writer, an editor, a relationship therapist, a mastery coach, a former photojournalist, and well, so much more. But before I define you…How do you see yourself? Who is Olga Sheean?
Olga Sheean: I’m passionate about the deeper truth, always exploring and evolving as I discover another piece of the human puzzle, and digging down to the hidden gems and greatness buried inside every one of us.
I’m also a disruptive thinker who likes to debunk the myths and subconscious programs that prevent us from seeing who we really are.
And I’m a creative juxtapositioner, combining unlikely elements that inspire people to think beyond conventional limits. I love to laugh and to make others laugh, knowing how uplifting and healing it can be, especially if we are ill or struggling with challenges.
So, essentially, I’m dedicated to exploring and exposing our true nature, the nature of reality, and the power of nature itself. I believe we need to understand and embrace all three of those in order to resolve what’s happening in the world and know how to thrive.
AM: The term “empowerment coach” is probably self-limiting in light of your work. How have you come to this uniquely curated place?
OS: I’ve been doing this for 26 years, and I started by working on myself. When we truly understand ourselves, we begin to understand human nature and the nature of reality.
Empowerment has lots of different connotations. For me, it’s about living proactively, inspired by healthy self-worth to make enlightened choices, be daringly creative, practice emotional honesty, and be all that we can be. It’s about honoring our multi-dimensional selves, rather than living by someone else’s rules or limitations. And it’s about reconnecting with the truth buried beneath the many layers of disconnectedness and programming that cloud our vision of what’s possible.
AM: Kind of like a hero’s journey?
OS: I think we are all on a journey of self-discovery, and many of us dodge the call to greatness due to conditioning that limits our sense of self. So I explore the subconscious programming that drives that, and I look at each individual’s circumstances, which are reflections of what is missing, distorted or suppressed. That tells me everything I need to know about that person—the dynamics to address, the insecurities caused by their early programming, the purpose of their challenges, their hidden strengths, how they tend to sabotage their success, and what they are being called upon to do.
AM: It’s hard work!
OS: It can be, but you reach a point where it starts to be fun. When you start to work your emotional and spiritual muscles, and you activate your higher faculties, you begin to see that you can create magic in your life. But it doesn’t mean that you never have challenges. It means that your challenges become much more interesting and rewarding as you reach higher and master more of yourself.
AM: In your work, you use the term “conscious evolution.” What does that mean?
OS: Conscious evolution is about mindfully choosing to grow, to know our selves and to live with focused intention. It means being aware of how we feel and what we want, and making conscious choices in favor of our personal evolution and the conscious living planet on which we depend.
We now know from quantum physics that the universe is a living entity, and that consciousness, which you could also call focused awareness, can actually change things.
Our thoughts are electrical. Our emotions are magnetic. We are always transmitting signals to each other and out into the world, and we are always having an impact, whether we are aware of it or not.
Consciousness is also about slowing things down and bringing ourselves into the present moment. Most of the time, we are moving so fast and doing so many things that we cannot process or integrate our experiences. And if we don’t do that, we can’t connect with our feelings, which means we can’t proactively orchestrate our lives. We must be present in order to grow and evolve.
AM: How does this relate to our individual journeys toward healing, success, self-worth, and everyday magic?
OS: I look at social media and all of the world’s problems… we were never intended to be exposed to so much crisis, mayhem and dysfunction. This has created a tremendous amount of stress, overwhelm, trauma, reactivity and disconnectedness.We’re not equipped to cope with that much grief, sadness and tragedy, especially if we are in a state of reactivity rather than being at peace with ourselves.But we are meant to connect with universal intelligence — the seamless, unified field of energy that connects us all. Becoming conscious of our interconnectedness reminds us of our impact on others and on our planet. And tapping into that consciousness inspires us, uplifts us, and opens us up to a dimension of infinite possibilities.
AM: So, if we transmit positive energy, we can effect positive change, not just in our own lives, but in the world at large?
OS: Yes. It’s one of the principles of quantum physics. We have the capacity to change things. We can use our minds to elevate our consciousness and literally make our minds matter.
There is a crescendo of crises in our world because we are focused on the fallout and reacting to the symptoms, without addressing the underlying cause.
Every crisis is a call to empowerment. If we don’t address the root cause of what’s happening, our symptoms get worse because they’re designed to get our attention so we get the message and reconnect with the deeper truth.
AM: When a new, but familiar circumstance appears in front of me, I’ve found myself exclaiming out loud to the universe, “What now? What lesson did I not learn the last time?!” Do you see these patterns in your work? Where people meet the same challenge, and it escalates over time if they have failed to address a core issue?
OS: Yes. Absolutely. We all have these patterns. And they are caused by our negative programming — the limiting beliefs, self-doubts, insecurities, negative projections or expectations that get passed on by parents, teachers, care-givers and religious leaders. And, ironically, even though we may see it as negative stuff that we want to discard, it takes us on a very particular path.
If we understand what our programming is about, and if we choose to address it, we end up going on an amazing journey towards fulfillment. Each piece of programming is designed to put us in touch with a particular part of ourselves that is asking to be developed and expressed.
AM: How do you address this?
OS: One of the things that I work on is helping people to fill in their “missing pieces.” These are the essential formative qualities that failed to be cultivated in us when we were growing up — qualities such as acceptance, respect, support, encouragement, validation, self-expression. If they were cultivated in us in a loving, wholesome way, we would be whole, confident and fulfilled. We would know and love who we are, and we would go forth in life thriving and expressing that.
But because we all have these missing pieces, we end up distorted, insecure, conflicted or incomplete. And we miss out on the qualities that promote healthy self-worth, which has a huge impact on our lives.
Our programming determines the people, challenges and circumstances that we attract.
When we are emotionally whole, we become magnetic for the fullness of life that we desire. We don’t even need to specifically strive towards something. But we need to take certain actions and embody the qualities that we want to see in our interactions and relationships.
AM: What’s an example of how missing pieces may impact us?
Acceptance is the #1 missing piece for everybody. If we fail to get healthy self-acceptance cultivated within us, we can spend our whole lives looking for love, acceptance and approval from others. And, because of that, we make compromises, we say yes when we want to say no, we make other people’s needs more important than ours, and we might do things for the sake of getting a favorable outcome. We will do anything, in fact, to avoid being rejected. We live in fear of rejection, even if we’re not aware of that. Ironically, this means that we self-reject in the hope of being accepted by others.
We could sit all day and say “I love myself. I’m amazing. I’m beautiful.” But it wouldn’t change anything if we’re not doing the actions that demonstrate that. Our subconscious is always listening and watching, and it needs to hear us love, accept, validate and support ourselves. When we do that, we change the programming, we fill in what’s been missing, and we attract more of the qualities that we are embodying.
AM: So, purely from a relationship standpoint, until we fill in those missing pieces, are we attracting people who are already whole and can embody those missing pieces we seek? Or are we attracting people who have the same missing pieces as we do?
OS: In intimate relationships, we will attract people with the same missing pieces as us. And that can be heartbreaking, because we’re really hoping that they will give us what has been missing, such as affection, understanding or tenderness.
The goal, of course, is to get us to see that it’s missing in us, not to blame the other person for not giving it to us, which is what we often end up doing.
So we need to understand that we have that power, that it’s inside us. And if we fill in what’s emotionally missing in us, we break that cycle.
Going back to what you said, “What lesson did I not learn the last time?” Well, I would say you probably got the lesson, but you may not have done the homework of filling in whatever was missing for you in that relationship.
And it’s also in how we deal with the other person. We may know that we deserve a better relationship, or a better partner. But if we don’t take ownership of that and start to embody that worthiness in the way we think, talk, act and interact, then we make it all about the other person. And if we haven’t changed what’s missing inside us, we will attract somebody else to show us that same thing.
AM: You’ve written and published extensively on the health impacts of wireless radiation. Have you noticed any shift in public awareness and acceptance of this issue?
OS: People have been feeling powerless to change things, because the industry appears to be so massive and daunting and impenetrable. They cannot see how one single person could make a difference.
But I see that many more people are realizing how much authority we have surrendered, and how much control we’ve given to governments and industry. And because we’ve surrendered accountability for our own lives, government and industry see no reason to be accountable to us.
Here, too, we get to see what’s missing in us if we look at what’s missing in our governments. Look at what they are doing to us or failing to give us. In irradiating us, they are violating our boundaries and our rights; they’re not listening to us; they’re harming our health; and they’re not taking us seriously. But we are doing all of those things and more to ourselves. Government and industry are doing to us exactly what we are doing to ourselves. We taught them how to treat us. We want them to fix things so we don’t have to, so we give them the authority to make choices on our behalf.
That’s part of the programming — surrendering responsibility, being taught to defer to an outside authority. But government and industry can’t fix things if our dysfunction and programming are the problem — and if we are the solution. Some people are beginning to get this and are taking back responsibility for their own lives and making choices that promote the kind of world they say they want to see.
AM: I’ve noticed that simple suggestions like “Disable your Wi-Fi at night” or “Maintain distance between your mobile phone and your body” often elicit anxiety and fear. Why such extreme reactions to these healthy tips? Is this more than tech addiction?
OS: I think it goes deeper than addiction. There’s a deep unmet need.
Our tech-driven culture is a reflection of all that we have lost, over many generations.
If we go back in time to the early 300s, when the early Roman Church State forcibly indoctrinated our ancestors, we discover a tragic untold story that marked a pivotal point in our history, because it profoundly subverted our personal autonomy for political purposes and radically derailed our evolution.
It was a ruthless takeover that destroyed the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, eradicating their culture of self-knowledge, enlightenment and co-evolution with nature. This bred fear, self-rejection and spiritual separation — all of which is now so deeply embedded in the human psyche that we are oblivious to the worldwide havoc it has caused.
Being told that we were innately sinful, unworthy and in need of redemption, the very opposite of our true nature, promoted shame and self-rejection, which led to judgement, condemnation and destructive behavior — toward ourselves and our planet.
When we were forced to defer to an external authority, we also lost our spiritual autonomy and faith in self, which is why we now cede so much power and responsibility to government and industry. And we lost the deep connection to nature that our ancestors knew was vital for our survival and healthy evolution. Now, our deep need for spiritual connection, emotional nourishment, validation and belonging results in all kinds of addictions and dysfunction that prevent most people from understanding the deeper truth.
Coming back to self — even finding self — therefore requires tremendous awareness, forgiveness and self-love.
AM: What do we need for real change in the world? A consciousness revolution? Maybe “revolution” is the wrong word. A consciousness shift?
OS: I think you said it. We need to become conscious of the fact that we’ve lost consciousness. We need to reconnect and wake up to the truth, which means taking responsibility for the power we have to change things. Huge chunks of ourselves are not being activated, embodied or leveraged in any way to create the kind of life that we’d like to have.
We are suffering from a case of global PTSD.
People are traumatized by what’s happening. When you’re emotionally burnt out, you don’t want to do anything. You just want those other people, out there, the ones who messed it up, to fix it. But only we can do that, by becoming conscious of what’s really going on and reclaiming our rightful autonomy.
AM: It’s easy to default into a mentality of “I’m tired, I can’t fix this, let me play with a virtual toy for the next 10 hours.” It’s similar to going through something traumatic on a micro-scale, like breaking up with a romantic partner. You’re sad and lonely, so you want ice cream and Netflix. This is the same thing, but on a macro-scale. But maybe ice cream and Netflix are not the things people should be doing to truly heal.
OS: You’re right. We seek comfort and, if that’s all we have, we’ll take it. Because if we don’t know what’s causing our emotional or spiritual hunger, we’ll go for an external fix, such as our smartphone and social media, that distracts us and gives us some sense of connection or engagement. If we can’t see how to give ourselves what’s missing, how to lift and love ourselves, then we’ll take the ice cream and the Netflix.
The chaos in our world feels too daunting for us to resolve, so we compensate with comfort and distraction.
AM: The tech and telecom industries have certainly given us a plethora of immediate gratification gadgets. Those of us who have started to feel the physical effects of this wireless technology, who have quite literally needed to put the wireless thing down to heal, have been thrown into this place where we realize that there has to be more than these devices and virtual realms.
OS: We talk a lot about sensitivity, but I see that word differently now. Because of our burnout, many of us are emotionally numb and disconnected because that’s how we learned to deal with things. So this “sensitivity” is really our senses coming back to us — and throwing many of us into overwhelm because of all the stimuli.
And it’s not just about wireless technologies. We’ve also got vaccines, climate change, chemical toxins, environmental destruction, which are all part of the same chain. The irradiation of the planet is just the latest transgression. Things always get progressively worse, because they’re designed to get our attention and bring us back to our senses.
AM: So this really comes back then to our own power.
OS: Yes. And it’s hard for us to make these connections. We have very powerfully attracted this stuff into our environment. If we can get that piece, if we can step back from the blaming, the judging, the self-rejection, then we just might open the door to something amazing.
The key thing to remember in all of this is that our programming will always override logic, reason, science, and even the most compelling arguments for saving our planet.
That’s why we’re looking at the destruction of our planet right now and thinking, “This is madness. Surely the people doing it must realize this is going to kill them, too, right?” But when you see how far removed we are from the things that nourish, heal, empower and inspire us, you see how dehumanized and deeply programmed we are. That’s why the science doesn’t penetrate. The programming will always override it.
AM: I’ve always wondered why nothing seems to get through to people on the wireless health issue — the science, emotional stories, infographics, statistics, court cases, rallies. Nothing.
OS: It’s true. Nothing gets through because it’s our dysfunction that’s driving things. Our programming blinds us to what’s really going on — inside and out.
Only by changing ourselves can we change the world. To me, that’s the solution right there.
If we all put our energy, focus, intentions and actions into promoting the positive, healthy, thriving world that we want, rather than giving all of our energy to sharing the bad news, we would have an extraordinary impact.
AM: When you follow environmental health news, social media becomes its own traumatic assault. It’s one horrible thing after another. Even I don’t want to read it, and I write on this. Those who are blithely enjoying a symbiotic life with their wireless and virtual toys are certainly not going to want to engage with this information. They’ll either think “What’s the big deal?” or “Great. Just one more horrible thing.” But from hurricane destruction to wireless technology, we are just not reacting to news and information the way we used to.
OS: We don’t have the mental capacity or the emotional resilience to do so. Instead, we feed the drama. But there’s also victimhood in there. It’s a distorted way of trying to get a sense of importance. We say there are terrible things being done to us, and we have a sense of righteous indignation, when in reality we’re doing many of these things to ourselves.
If we stay stuck in that victim status, we remain disempowered. We are saying, “I’m powerless, I can’t fix this, these people are more powerful than me, there’s nothing I can do.”
Victimhood does not serve us. We’ve all been there, at some point, but we won’t feel good about ourselves if we’re not achieving anything, and we really need to create the magic.
There is no glory in being a victim. We can be victors when we understand how we work.
AM: In my own work, I never wrote from a victimized vantage point. In fact, my intention was the opposite — to reclaim my own power and the power of universal energy. And yet, some people have taken my work, twisted it, and categorized me an “EHS sufferer” or “a victim of wireless technology.” I repeatedly message back, “I am not a victim. We are not victims.” But that doesn’t seem to resonate with some people.
OS: There’s power in being emotionally honest and exposing our own humanness. Due to programming, we are all dysfunctional, in some way, and the more we try to pretend we are okay (while subconsciously believing the opposite), the more the programming gets reinforced. So it’s kind of a conundrum. No, we don’t want to be victims. We don’t want to give that airtime, even though we’ll find lots of company if we do. But there’s also value in declaring that we’ve been there, done that, we were stuck there for a while, and now we’re out of that, because we know that’s not the answer.
The more accepting we are of ourselves, including the wobbly bits that come from negative programming, the more positively magnetic we become.
AM: Your book, EMF Off! is a “wireless wake-up call and a message for all humanity.” What led you to write it?
OS: I felt there was nothing else out there that brought all of these elements together in one holistic view: the personal experience; the science of what wireless technology can do to us; the deeper truth about what’s happening; and the urgent need for us to regain consciousness and wake up to that truth.
There’s a lot of talk about corruption in government and industry, but the biggest corruption of all — the corruption of our true selves— is happening inside us. Ultimately, I see my book as a message of hope, a deeper understanding about the nature of reality and our human nature. It’s resolving that internal conflict so we can be at peace and fully in charge of our lives.
AM: You have a new publication, Tell Me The Truth. Tell me about the core message of that book.
OS: It’s about consciously reclaiming self-responsibility, and making conscious choices about the kind of world we say we want. It’s an invitation to show up and be powerful.
I look at some of the things we say, the projections we have, the blame, and I turn them around. For example, if you don’t like the education system, what are you doing to educate yourself? You don’t like all the electronic surveillance in your life? How diligently do you monitor your words, behaviors, boundaries? You don’t like that governments aren’t accountable to us? How accountable are you to others about your choices?
It’s an invitation to dip into that deeper truth, to embrace it, to start living it and see what shifts.
AM: What about the emergence of virtual reality and augmented reality… How much are these technologies taking us away from ourselves and our connections?
OS: It’s a reflection of what we’ve lost. It’s the inevitable culmination of what we’ve disconnected from. All this virtual and artificial stuff, in the larger divine plan, is designed to take us back to the true reality, to our human intelligence and our higher faculties.
There is a deeper purpose and a bigger picture. If I’m caught up in a virtual reality, if I’m tantalized by artificiality, what does that say about me? To what extent am I human? What have I lost? What do I need to get back?
We research health issues, wireless technologies, climate change, vaccines. But how much do we research ourselves? We are being pushed to become experts in our own humanness. I think this is why 5G has so galvanized people to finally push back, because our tech-centric society has become so inhuman.
AM: When I look at where VR and AI has the potential to go, including transhumanism, most of it unnerves me.
OS: That’s the part I should emphasize. Because it’s all so daunting, I think it’s really important to inspire, uplift and enlighten ourselves. We need to get more excited about being empowered humans than about using inanimate gadgets. Many of the things our gadgets can do, we can do better, and to far greater effect, when we activate our higher faculties.
Our gadgets may give us a sense of being powerful and connected, but there’s a deeper part of us that’s completely disconnected.
Our digital gadgets cannot compare to our own power. It’s like trying to be powerful by proxy, but it’s a poor runner-up to actually being powerfully human.
We are creators. We have the capacity to literally create our ideal reality. And there’s nothing more amazing than that.
AM: Can we use our digital technologies in a way that does not compromise our humanity?
OS: Yes. We can make these technologies work for us, not be a slave to them. When we ground ourselves in the deeper truth of who we are, and when we ground our technologies in the earth through wiring, we can use the two together for extraordinary opportunities. We can access incredible knowledge, coming from a place of awareness and consciousness, and we can share it through digital and communications technologies to really elevate ourselves and each other.
You and I have been pushed to go there, in a way—to simplify, to get back to nature, to regain a sense of wonder. There is so much expanding wisdom on the planet that we can tap into, grounded in ourselves and in nature, connected to our true human nature, seeking to evolve consciously, and also by grounding and earthing our technologies.
AM: I find that many people have an incorrect image about those of us who talk about the impact of wireless technologies. They envision an isolated person with a tin-foil hat, living in an underground bunker, with no access to a computer, Internet, or phone. And that’s just so very untrue for most of us. I live in the modern world. I have a computer with high-speed, wired Ethernet connection for Internet and phone. I am actively connected to information and communications, but in a safe way. But most people don’t realize these non-wireless options are available to them.
OS: Yes. We also have to acknowledge that we create the demand. If we are really being honest about wanting healthier technologies, then we have to say “no” to the unhealthy ones. But if we keep feeding the old ones, then there is no reason at all for the wireless industry to change.
Humans will always rise to a challenge. So if there’s a demand for a healthy telecom technology, it will happen. We just have to call for it and say no to what doesn’t work.
But until we say no to the harmful stuff, we are still saying yes.
AM: So what can we expect to see from you going forward?
OS: I’m developing a new interview series, called The Hot Seat, which will feature dynamic conversations with individuals who are dodging their call to greatness and may be facing a crisis or challenge that’s trying to take them higher. Being in The Hot Seat will show them how to answer the call by turning their challenges into breakthroughs.
I am also creating two online courses:
Fit for Love, an emotional-fitness program that decodes relationship challenges and shows you how to find your best self and your best mate; and Tell Me the Truth: A Code for Freedom and Conscious Evolution, for those who want to reclaim their autonomy and orchestrate their own lives.
My next book — Get a Grip. Your Lunch is Ready — is a collection of quirky recipes with lots of irreverent humor, tasty tidbits about the power of real food, how the mind affects the body, and how to have fun in the kitchen.
There are two things that I’d like to offer Best Self readers to help them on their own journey:
First, a free electronic copy of The Alphabet of Powerful Existence — an A–Z guide to well-being, wisdom and worthiness, which is a practical guide to self-mastery, enlightened relationships and emotional health. Click here to download.
Second, an invitation to 2020 Vision, where readers can create and share a personal vision of their ideal reality, so we can all inspire each other in creating a healthier, happier world.
AM: Do you have any final thoughts for our readers?
OS: We are being challenged to consciously evolve, to restore the natural order of things, to find our way back to wholeness, humanity and balance, and to start really loving who we are.
We have the power to transform our lives, rewire our brains, be our best self, and create the reality we want.
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