When a young mother comes face-to-face with unimaginable loss, she uncovers the ‘in-between of grief’ — a powerful space where not-yet-OK breeds hope and healing
Mindfulness & Self-Improvement
Nurturing and Vulnerability: The Power of Healing Our Wounded Child
If we want to truly heal our emotional wounds, we must first learn to access, embrace, and nurture our vulnerability
Three Breaths: Connecting to The Holy Fire of Truth Within
Through breath and meditation we can reconnect to the voice within, the holy fire of our truth — and return to ‘human love’
Dancing into Connection and Trust
Fear comes in many forms… even dancing
8 Steps to Open to Your Blind Spots and Navigate from Your Intuition
Take down your blind spots: the unconscious patterns of behavior that are fueled by emotions and beliefs — that misguide us from acting upon our truest intuitive senses
Followship: The Surprising Secret to High Impact Leadership
The surprising ingredient for successful leadership is followship — and embracing this construct can optimize both your professional and personal life