In time, may our biases, prejudices and judgments melt away as we realize that love is love, end of story.
Mature Optimism: Balancing Beauty, Tragedy and Hope in a Complicated World
What is optimism? Thinking happy thoughts? Denying our dark feelings? Or something richer and more complex?
Thank You, Father (a Love Story, of Sorts)
Through music, a boy is gifted an expression of love from his stoic father.
Breath, Your Brain and the Power to Change
Discover how simply changing the way we breathe can immediately and dramatically change the way we think and feel.
No Man Left Behind: Growing from vs. Separating from Our Past
Whatever you find, whatever you’ve been through, love it as much as you possibly can. A new revelation calls for a proper revision…
Making Sense and Finding Meaning in Broken Relationships
Getting over the fantasies, the drama, trauma and self sabotage to have truly fulfilling relationships.