When we think of habits, things like smoking, nail biting or drinking soda typically come to mind, but there is far more to consider and hypnosis can help.
4 Tips for Getting Out of the Way of YOU in Business
We are often our own worst enemy when it comes to business success, but a few simple shifts will make a huge difference in your results.
The Soul and Addiction
Is the existence of the soul a myth or truth? How can we expand our relationship to our soul to overcome struggles and create a more fulfilling life?
The Crisis of Homelessness and a Call for Love
The crisis of homelessness is a crisis of the heart, our individual and collective heart — and the solution lies there as well.
Choosing to Sleep (and Some Best Practices to Improve It)
Sleep is a human need which we all require; so why is there so much resistance to it? I’ve learned the hard way the importance — and joy — of sleep.
The Power Inside You: 10 Secrets to Self-Empowerment
No one can fix your world for you, but everything you need to find peace, power and love is within you already; you simply need tools to access it.