They say a picture is worth a thousand words; in my case, a photo revealed more than I could ever say about my wellbeing before divorce…and after.
7 Life Lessons I’ve Learned as a Physician
Lessons learned for living a fulfilling life, from how to cultivate a positive mindset to strategies to improve future decision-making.
Of Dreamers and Dreams: The Virtues of Passion, Heart & Hope
There is reason, and there are dreams…but what is one without the other? How limited and colorless is a life guide by reason alone?
How Hypnosis Can Affect Habit Change
When we think of habits, things like smoking, nail biting or drinking soda typically come to mind, but there is far more to consider and hypnosis can help.
4 Tips for Getting Out of the Way of YOU in Business
We are often our own worst enemy when it comes to business success, but a few simple shifts will make a huge difference in your results.
The Soul and Addiction
Is the existence of the soul a myth or truth? How can we expand our relationship to our soul to overcome struggles and create a more fulfilling life?