Most people know that pets bringcompanionship, joy and laughter to our lives, but pets also offer great benefits to our physical and meotional wellbeing.
Mental & Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, Relationships
Radical Self Acceptance: 3 Keys to Increasing Your Confidence In the Workplace
Radicalself-acceptance is based on claiming and nurturing your true strengths, which builds confidence and allows you to thrive in the workplace.
Saving Sadie: Loving A Dog With Special Needs…and Paying It Forward
A beautiful story of how lives have been changed by the loving rescue of a badly injured, but emotionally resilient dog named Sadie
Surfing the Wave: Tips to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety
Harness the breath to your advantage: meditation and deep breathing techniques to help you conquer your feelings of stress and anxiety.
Nature’s Healing: A Trip to Yosemite Restores a Stressed-Out Soul
Tired and burned out from work, a trip to Yosemite Allowed one intrepid traveler time to relax, to reconnect to his self, and to heal his bod and soul.
Tending Our Emotional Stew Through Mindful Acceptance
Unpleasant feelings are normal, why worsen your situation by fighting them? Through mindful acceptance we can find peace even in the discomfort.