Tired and burned out from work, a trip to Yosemite Allowed one intrepid traveler time to relax, to reconnect to his self, and to heal his bod and soul.
Mental & Emotional Wellness, Spirituality, Relationships
Tending Our Emotional Stew Through Mindful Acceptance
Unpleasant feelings are normal, why worsen your situation by fighting them? Through mindful acceptance we can find peace even in the discomfort.
Beyond Competition: What is Actually Possible for Women
While feelings of competition with other women have roots which begin early in life, overcoming this mindset can free us to fully flourish.
5 Benefits of Reading Regularly
In addition to opening up your world to new people and places, reading on a regular basis has many developmental and mental benefits.
Is Handwriting Still Important?
Handwriting may appear to be an archaic form of communication in our digital world, but it holds many benefits for the mind and the heart.
Healing from Heartbreak: Finding Your Inner Superhero of Love
Breakups are always difficult, but they don’t have to be devastating; let them be blessed opportunities to learn about yourself and your needs.