Traveling with kids can be… well… a challenge, but with a little planning, can also bring tremendous joy and lasting memories
Family, Community, Environment, Travel & Culture
Redefining Fitness and Community in a Post-Covid World
Humans are social beings and community is a necessary component of physical health — even in a virtual world.
Finding My Voice: The Unexpected Silver Lining in a Traumatic Life Chapter
When her husband contracts a devastating health condition, one woman discovers her latent strengths and true self
Approaching Spring with a Sustainable Mindset
Spring is a great time to renew your practices for — and commitment to — sustainability in daily living
Beyond Small Talk: Becoming Willing to Explore Deeper Conversation and Connection
I love to learn about people, their likes, belief, and desires — and believe we can all benefit by stretching out of our conversational comfort zone
Back to Normal? New Normal? Where are We Heading?
The pandemic has disrupted life and norms across the globe; so now what? What shifts will you bring to your life?