Interested in making a real impact on the planet? Consider working in the sectors of sustainability and clean energy transition
Sustainability and environmentalism have become some of the most important topics discussed around the world in civil, governmental, and commercial realms. All around the world people are realizing the urgent need for positive environmental change for the sake of our survival, the future generations, and Mother Earth itself. You might not think that as an individual you can make a difference, but…
Truly, your choices do reshape the world according to the life you live.
If you choose to build your career around sustainability, you have the chance to make a positive impact on the world, and maybe even shift the industry you’re in. From educating the global audience on sustainability via digital media, to launching a sustainable business, all the way to joining leading research teams to drive innovation, the sustainability realm is full of possibilities for a bright and passionate mind. Here are the top ways you can build a career in sustainability and speed up the transition towards clean energy and a brighter future.
Become a sustainability consultant
The modern business world is making a rapid shift towards sustainable practices and a more eco-driven business model, prompted by societal pressure as well as new government regulations. Now that the incentive is so great for companies to adopt sustainability, you have a unique opportunity to help them achieve their goals faster. The role of a sustainability consultant is to help the top management in business develop strategies and tactics to implement better practices into every part of their business.
You will be working with business leaders in analyzing the unique strengths a business has and identifying opportunities to implement conservation, preservation, and more sustainable practices altogether. This way, you will play a key role in reshaping the modern business sector to become more caring towards Mother Earth.
Support various sustainable causes
As an individual and a leader of a company, you have an opportunity to support various sustainable causes and thus build a sustainable personal or corporate brand. Whether you do this with the help of a consultant or by yourself, you can start creating a long-term roadmap to change your personal habits and corporate processes to make them more eco-conscious, starting with energy conservation and clean energy consumption.
The road to conscious consumption in the business world can be long and winding, but if you take the time to craft comprehensive sustainability policies, you can effectively create a sustainable supply chain along with an eco-conscious employee collective. Consider making the switch to energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and then move towards adopting recycling and reusing policies. You can then start supporting local and global causes under the name of your brand.
Join leading research teams around the world
The STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field is full of opportunities for young scientists on the rise, but also for passionate investors looking to invest in the next promising scientific innovation that will transform the world. One such powerful novelty that the rest of the scientific community is keeping a watchful eye on is the new triboelectric nanogenerator developed at the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) that uses slippery surfaces to harvest water energy and convert mechanical energy into electricity.
The triboelectric nanogenerator is one of many promising new scientific discoveries that aim to solve the rising problem of energy consumption on an overpopulated world. You can choose to pursue a career in this field as a researcher, or you can support promising research as an investor. Either way, you have the power to make a positive impact on the scientific world.
Become a science and sustainability communicator
We live in an age of global connectivity where technology has given a voice to everyone and allows us to be heard across the globe. This gives you the unique opportunity to become a sustainability communicator and educate a global audience using popular online platforms like YouTube and various social media networks. It’s also an opportunity to build a thriving business and a personal brand around sustainability by building a loyal following and a global audience. After all, time is running out and the world needs more people to be the voice of Mother Earth.
Support sustainability as a manufacturer
Last but definitely not least, if you do decide to build a company around sustainability, consider venturing into the manufacturing industry. Sustainable manufacturing is becoming all the rage and is set to take over the world in the years to come as people are in need of sustainable building materials and practices to help create a cleaner and eco-friendlier future. Currently, governments around the world are incentivizing manufacturers to go green, so now is the right time to get into the green manufacturing game.
Wrapping up
The world is in need of more passionate individuals who are willing to do what it takes to make a positive change. Whether you contribute to sustainability and the transition to clean energy through research or entrepreneurship, this is a golden age of opportunity to make the world a better place for the generations to come.
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