An inspired journey to Antarctica showcases sustainable practices for manufacturing — and living
As they say at Clean2Antarctica, “creating a cleaner world is an adventure for everyone” (and they weren’t kidding!)
It starts somewhere and for Liesbeth and Edwin ter Velde, that was in their kitchen one night while making dinner. Tossing yet another bit of plastic packaging into the garbage became the proverbial straw that broke the environmentally conscious camel’s back.
Recognizing that merely complaining about it or blaming the government or supermarket wasn’t going to solve anything — the next day, they made a personal commitment to rethink their own carbon footprint, and in particular, their use of plastic.
Aside from shifting to using less plastic, they started to ponder the notion of being able to transform waste to resource.

And this story brings new meaning to stretching out beyond our comfort zones. This is the story of adventure for change — of traveling to this zero waste continent that contains 90% of the world’s ice and belongs to no one. You can read more about this extraordinary journey HERE.
Clean2Antarctica is a not-for-profit organization created to raise consciousness and inspire individuals and organizations to further develop and implement sustainable alternatives for our present way of living
This is about a mission I think we can all get on board with (especially Mother Nature)!
The origin of great change is often found in a small step: simply stop throwing stuff away!
~ Clean2Antarctica