If you want to transform your business, transform your mental approach from mindset to mindflow.
present moment
A Game of Half Life: Exploring Wholeness through Play
A career coach experiments with an improv game and reflects on how an act of pure play informs living a whole, present, and fulfilling life
To Be Here Now Is To Feel Here Now: The Vulnerability of Being Present
In a world where we are told to bypass vulnerability at all costs, we miss its hidden gifts of healing, understanding and potential
Together Today: What Can We Create?
How two people live and flourish together by constantly asking “what can we create together?”
Living in the Now With Alzheimer’s Disease
Living in the present moment has benefits far beyond helping you enjoy the beauty and bounty of life; it can…
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Podcast: Danielle Bertoli | Never Here, Always There

Learning to embrace the present moment requires a conscious intention, yet yields incredible, joyous rewards.
Never Here, Always There | Learning to Live in the Present Moment
Embracing the present moment takes conscious intention and yields great rewards