Dream big. Allow yourself to go to the wildest places, declare yourself a lotto winner. Miracles happen regularly…
- jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force
- complete trust or confidence in someone or something
Leap of Faith | The 10 Essentials
- Don’t beat yourself up before you start.
- Expect to make mistakes, consider them opportunities for learning.
- If you don’t give it a try, you’ll die wondering…what if?
- Stay in the present, don’t project too far ahead, no need to create the ending before the beginning.
- Dream big. Allow yourself to go to the wildest places, declare yourself a lotto winner. Don’t let reality beat you down. Miracles happen regularly – we just forget to expect them.
- Notice the small steps of accomplishments and the miracles that occur along the way. Be grateful when they happen. Gratitude multiplies.
- Jump and your wings will appear.
- You don’t have to know how you will get to your destination, the Universe takes care of the details. Set your intention and watch the magic unfold.
- Magic can’t happen if you don’t believe it exists.
- Your soul has a purpose and it is your duty to fulfill it. Listen to your gut. Your intuition is your true north compass not the monkey-mind that shuts you down and tells you it’s impossible.
Please follow Eileen’s blogs, Confessions of a Modern Day Housewife, and Goddessgrotto.
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