Dear Best Selfers,
Let’s just put it out there. Sometimes we can’t help it, and our preconceived determinations about people, places and things get out ahead of truth. It’s called being human. We see something, we make a snap judgment, that ol’ brain of ours working overdrive.
But then there are the moments where we pause and melt into the grace before us. Within that place, we create the breath to refrain from snap decisions, opinions and assessments of others. This is where the magic unfolds, availing us of a deeper message — and thus answering the question, What am I being asked to see in this moment and to show up for?
So, truth be told…what did I see before me initially sitting down with Lewis Howes? A big handsome, energetic, successful entrepreneur. His imposing, once professional football playing body didn’t initially vibe me as big ol’ sensitive soul. I know. Ridiculous stereotype. But this is precisely what is being called to light right now. This is precisely why Lewis has written his recently released book, The Mask of Masculinity: How Men Can Embrace Vulnerability, Create Strong Relationships, and Live Their Fullest Lives, and more importantly has shared his story in a truly candid and vulnerable way.
The world is shifting and along with it, the old paradigms that are no longer serving us are melting away. This is a call to action to heal. The #metoo movement isn’t just about women. Emotions are not gender specific. And we all need to take a seat at this table. If we want our men to reveal their vulnerability, women must summon their strength and create the space for this to be OK. We say we want men who are in touch with their emotions, but do we really? How are we supporting this?
Imagine a world where little boys can cry and little girls can be fierce.
My interview with Lewis touched me deeply, and often had the ‘momma’ in me wanting to scoop him up and hug away the pain he reveals. It also made me shine the light upon my own participation in this societal dance. In stepping forward to disclose his own childhood trauma and pain, he is forging the path for others to do the same — to heal old wounding, to step forth from beneath the masks we create to survive this human experience — to stop hiding from our potential.
Our souls are calling upon us to show up differently. Are you ready to heed the call?
May the un-masking begin for all of us. #WEtoo

~ Kristen

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