Dear Best Selfers,
I’ll have what she’s having. Seriously.
There’s nothing more radiant than standing in the radiance of another — especially when the other drags you along for the party. That’s precisely what it feels like to be in the company of Regena Thomashauer, aka ‘Mama Gena’. You feel it envelope you as soon as you stand in her presence.
I expected her to be provocative (look, the lady named her latest book Pussy: A Reclaimation — which btw shot straight to #1 on the New York Times best-sellers list). And I expected her to be animated, intriguing, gutsy and full of personality. Check. Check. Check. Check. She is all of those things.
What I didn’t expect was the depth of generosity, the warmth, the joie de vivre and most of all — the curiosity. Regena is a powerful lady running a self-made, multi-million dollar business — and yet, she doesn’t appear jaded or as if she takes anything for granted. She has somehow maintained a coquettish sparkle in her eyes — a desire to learn more, to observe, to expand — a thirst to witness your story.
You see this lady isn’t all about ‘her’ party — but rather, she is about the collective one — how when you and I step into our own radiance, we illuminate all that is around us, including each other.
It’s no wonder that Dr. Christiane Northrup called her a ‘woman whisperer’.
I’ll admit, I had my preconceived notions about the ‘P’ word, let alone a book named Pussy. The interesting behind-the-scenes story regarding this is that it actually prodded me to explore precisely that. You see, while reading the book, I toted it around with me everywhere: planes, trains, restaurants and treadmills. I observed my own inclinations to want to hide the book cover in public and I observed some interesting responses from others. The book has done exactly what Regena set out to accomplish: She has sparked a conversation. And that conversation is a much needed one. It is time to step into our radiance and Mama Gena is going to show you how. Are you ready to heed the call — to reconnect to your power, to live full-out?

~ Kristen

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