Dear Best Selfers:
In life there is resistance, but alas there is also flow. Windows wide open with fresh spring breezes wafting through the air one moment, icy snow on the ground the next — such is life. When life tosses us a snowstorm in April, well – you might as well resist the inclination to ‘resist,’ unless of course there is something you can do about the weather.
The way in which our cover feature, Dr. Kelly Brogan, entered my world is nothing short of divine intervention. When things align, you feel it instantly – you join the tide of flow and the rest is history.
Amidst putting together this amazing issue of shift-makers – ‘Holy Fools’ as our co-creator, Gail Larsen calls them – for the very first time, I was unsettled with a perfect cover match. And then on March 15, 2016, the day that Kelly’s book, A Mind of Your Own: The truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives, was released, I received a text from our contributing editor, Jennifer Kass, I have your cover! And indeed she did. It takes a Best Self village.
On a day that should have been met with great fanfare and media buzz…there were instead, crickets — a mainstream media ‘blackout’ in terms of coverage for this important message, one that is seriously shaking up conventions. What did Kelly do? She initiated her own grassroots movement online… and within 9 days, when I was sitting on the sofa in her living room interviewing her, we learned she had hit The New York Times bestseller list.
Never underestimate the power of a Holy Fool. Never underestimate the power of a message whose time has come.
You’ll read more about this story in our interview.
Best Self Magazine has always been a celebration of Holy Fools and their deliberate contributions to sparking change in the world. Joseph Campbell said, The Holy Fool is the most dangerous person on earth because s/he is willing to break from convention to take an action that is inspired from within.
Here’s to Holy Fools, Issue 10 and to welcoming aboard our new Body Contributing Editor, the immensely talented, Chef Danielle Shine!
Speaking your truth, especially when convention is expected, opens the door to your liberation and the liberation of those around you.
~Gail Larsen
With love and a mind of your own,

~ Kristen

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