We manifest what we believe; to live in questions vs. conclusions allows our beliefs and our possibilities to evolve
Years ago, I was in Washington DC, standing outside of the White House, trying to make a video about possibilities. There were three different demonstrations in motion, and I could hardly hear myself over the many voices of frustration and fight.
Right now, those voices are even louder. Turning on the news or reading an article online, we see a world in crisis with an on-going pandemic, protests, riots, racism, unemployment — and world leaders who seem to profoundly lack empathy. And on a more personal level, we hear about depression, suicides, loneliness — and a sense of meaninglessness.
People are hurting. People are frustrated.
More than anything, people are confused. We don’t know what is true anymore, and we don’t know who to listen to.
Somehow stupidity, self-interest, greed, and gas-lighting has become the driving force of the world, and especially from the people that are supposedly in charge.
And yes, there are mornings when I wake up and just want to explode the planet so that we can start over. My guess is that a few of you wake up with that desire as well, at least on some days. And no, it doesn’t sound very enlightened or aware. Here is the thing, consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It is not a wrongness to be potent, my friend! One of the things I’ve realized — on a personal level and from working with thousands of people — is that it’s always the darkest before dawn, both in our lives and in the world.
Right when you get to the very end of your rope, when you think you haven’t ever done anything useful, or anything right, that you are a loser, pathetic and that the world is going to hell in a handbasket…
Two steps beyond all that despair — is where freedom lies.
Just take two more steps. It may be the toughest thing you’ve ever done. But what I’ve found is that when you take those two extra steps, what happens is your world opens up possibilities you didn’t know existed where you were standing a minute before.
Ask: What is right about this that I am not getting? What is right about this that we are not getting yet?
Then take two more steps. Right then, right there, you are starting to take the lead in your own life, my friend. How so?
Well, let me ask you: What makes someone a leader? Is it their title? The number of followers they have. The power they have over people? The answers they hold?
What if leadership is about something else? Something that begins with the willingness of never coming to a conclusion and always being in question. What if it is something that you choose to be, rather than something that is assigned to you?
Did you know that all airplanes are off course 99% of the time? The whole purpose and role of the pilots are to continually bring the plane back on course so that it arrives where it is supposed to be.
Every time you come into conclusion, you actually lock your life into a non-correctable course.
Root into that one decision, and you eliminate your greatest power: the power to choose and choose again. (Yes, like the taking of two more steps that I talk about above.)
If you instead are willing to be and function as the question, you would be able to choose and choose again, and again, and course correct in a way that allows you to create the life and future you genuinely desire… with ease.
Being the question may sound simple, but it requires some practice. We’ve been trained our whole lives to judge everything as good and bad or right and wrong, and then defend that decision. At this point, most of us align and agree or resist and react to anything coming up, as a default. That is how we create connections, how we form our points of view, and how we know who and what to listen to.
Basically, conclusions will always make you a follower, while a leader is guided by continuous question and choice:
Ask: What is this? What do I do with it? Can I change it? What would it take to change it?
Let me try to explain it slightly differently. If you conclude that “the world is going to hell in a handbasket,” that’s all you’re going to see and hear. That point of view then creates the reality you live and the future you create since all your course-correction will have the hell-in-a-handbasket point of view as its starting point.
When you fight against the hell you’ve decided is coming, you are in reaction, and you actually have to solidify exactly what you are fighting against — since to be able to fight it, you first have to make it real.
Make sense?
If instead you have “wow, what a gift, the world is finally changing tracks to create something greater” as your point of view, then that is what you will notice, that is the information you will extrapolate, and those are the voices that you will hear.
You will now be course-correcting your choices based on the “what-a-gift” point of view, and what is real for you is that something greater is possible. Accordingly, that is the life and future you will be heading towards and will be part of creating: a different world.
What that world looks like for you, only you know. You have the lead and you have the power.
What choice can you make RIGHT NOW to create the tomorrow you desire?
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