Faced with a devastating change in her daughter’s life, one mother learned to adapt to the new challenges she and her family faced with courage and strength
Stop Over-Thinking: 8 Steps To Clear Your Mind
Overthinking a situation or problem may be a natural tendency, but there are things you can do to help keep your mind clear and focused
Ocean Plastic: Where Is It From? Where Does It Go?
We hear about the ocean pollution crisis due to plastic waste, but understanding it can feel complex. This infographic makes…
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The Joy of Aging: Why and How to Embrace Getting Older
Growing old is linear, but aging is not; with the right mindset and health practices, your ‘golden years’ can be the most joyful of your life
Cycling Your Way to Good Physical, Emotional and Environmental Health
At a time when it is so easy to feel disconnected to yourself and to Mother Nature, cycling is a healthy and easy way to improve both your physical and mental health.
A Beginner’s Guide to Juicing
Juicing is all the rage for boosting nutrition and health; here’s an introduction to why and how to add juice to your diet plus 3 recipes to get you started