A celebration of movement and mindfulness — identical twin sisters share connection, motherhood, yoga, career and life musings
We came into this world together 44 years ago, identical twins who share everything — even our DNA.
We are yogis, mothers, wives, career women — and seekers / life journeyers.
Our Instagram account @ChinTwins began on a whim while vacationing together in our home state of Alabama. My husband, photographer Nigel Barker, posted a picture of us doing yoga together on his Instagram, and the response was crazy. He then encouraged us to start our own public account to share our passion for yoga — and life. Today, our account has grown organically to nearly 100K followers and has given us an amazing platform to connect with a global community about all kinds of things that matter to us… beyond our yoga mats.
It is an incredible time that we live in. And social media, Instagram in particular, has opened up a whole new audience to the practice of yoga — not only the bendy poses, but the positive affirmations and mental clarity that it can bring into our lives as well. Our intention with our platform is to remind everyone that we are all made of the same stardust and that we all have the same energy flowing through us — our interconnectedness is undeniable. We may not look the same on the outside, but we all feel and think alike on the inside. The images we create are a reminder of this connection we have with one another and with the collective whole.
We all belong, we all fit in, there is a perfect match somewhere for each of us, we are never alone — we believe that there is a purpose and place for us all.
As for us — one lives in New York and the other in Alabama. While our surroundings and the people in our lives are very different — our daily challenges and joys are very much the same. We both have children and busy lives balancing the usual heavy loads of work and home. Our account is a way to stay connected to each other and to share our journeys of being sisters, wives, and mothers — and to feed our well of creativity.

We both have a passion for yoga, dance and movement — and after our youngest children started school we both completed our yoga teacher training. We realized that self-care wasn’t just a nice concept, it was something that needed to be incorporated into our lives as an essential part. We wanted to share this belief with others through our account.
Knowing what we need as women and asking for it is the only way we can truly be present for our families. Showing up in the world as nurturing mothers, wives and centered, happy women required radical self-care. The many paths of yoga both physically and mentally hold so many benefits for all of us — connecting our body, mind and spirit. As parents we have so many responsibilities as our children grow older and absorb everything we say and do. Having a daily practice has helped us to not be reactionary, to not judge, to let go of the little things, and to slow down and enjoy each moment. It helps us model holistic healthy living for our children.
The beautiful big picture of life can be easily missed when we allow ourselves to get swamped with all of the daily stresses that life can bring. But that’s life. There will be ups and down, twists and turns — how we navigate it makes all the difference. Yoga has been our roadmap. As we grow older we depend on yoga to keep our bodies fit and healthy in all aspects. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: Yoga is the ultimate fountain of youth!
We’re truly passionate about creating images for @ChinTwins! And with Nigel taking all of our pictures, it’s a family affair. We love the entire creative process: from conceiving ideas, shooting, location scouting, to styling and editing. We love each step of expressing the beauty of yoga through the art form of photography. Each image we post is infused with a message of encouragement intended to plant a seed of hope in someone’s heart. A picture can convey a thousand words…it is our desire that it connects to others on a deeper soul level.
As twins, our signature use of the symmetry we share, has allowed us to convey the mirror image we go through life with — an image always looking back at us as a reminder of where we came from and we are going.
Our platform born of passion, creativity and fun — has also connected us to other brands and businesses doing good works to shift the consciousness of the planet. We’ve collaborated with The Senhoa Foundation to create a yoga-inspired jewelry collection. Each piece is handmade by Cambodian women who are victims of human trafficking — and 100% of the profits go to empower these women and give them a better future. We are also Ambassadors for Alo Yoga, an athletic clothing line that is dedicated to bringing mindfulness and movement to elementary school children by developing a yoga curriculum that will be shared with 2 million children this year.
Life is fluid, ever-changing, ever expanding and contracting. Follow your passion. Nurture your best self. Then and only then can you truly connect to others and find where life is calling you. And who knows…you might just find your answers on your yoga mat!
View the Gallery: Tap any thumbnail to enlarge and then swipe through images. Photographs by Nigel Barker.
Learn more at thechintwins.com | Chin Twins Instagram | Photographer Nigel Barker Instagram
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