A pilgrimage to the MahaKumbha Mela delights the senses while elevating the spirit and collective vibration of all humanity.
Fighting War with Silence
A profound social gathering attempts to combat the wars born of egos with a collective consciousness of silence and peace.
Creating a Harmonious World Through a Coherence of Consciousness
With the world in distress, a vast expression of our collective consciousness could realign humanity and rebalance our planet.
The Crisis of Homelessness and a Call for Love
The crisis of homelessness is a crisis of the heart, our individual and collective heart — and the solution lies there as well.
Emergence of a New World Order
All over the world, a new and throbbing pulse of awakening is being felt in the collective consciousness of humanity.
The Sacred Purpose of Human Life
Humans are uniquely gifted with the capacity to seek enlightenment, to understand unity consciousness…so what are we to do with that gift?
A Cure for the Virus of Racism
We can eliminate racism by integrating transcendental meditation into our educational systems to elevate our awareness to level of unity consciousness.
Pandemic Paradox: The Crisis Is A Blessing
The coronavirus may seem like a collective catastrophe, but it is actually a wakeup call to humanity to change our destructive ways
The Mechanics of the Mind: How Transcendental Meditation Creates a State of Bliss
Transcendental Meditation is a powerful tool that allows your mind to move toward bliss, pure consciousness, creativity and intelligence
Saying YES to Life
To say YES is to live. The ability to say YES opens us up to more happiness, strength, positivity, patience and faith in our lives.