Estimated reading time: 15 minutes
Activating your sixth sense, your intuition, is both an invitation and a homecoming — a return to your divine state of being
Our world is at a tipping point. Recovering from the upheaval of the COVID pandemic, rocking and rolling through economic disruption, and reeling at every turn from daily climate disasters. It is undoubtably apparent that we humans need to do something different to create a livable future.
But as Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” It is time that we begin to seek and expand into new ways of thinking, creating, and solving the problems we face in ourselves, with others, and on our planet. The missing link? Incorporating our intuition and adding it into our way of thinking. Einstein was onto something. He understood the merit of this necessary ingredient for problem-solving.
If we want to shift our world, we have to shift our relationship to our intuitive selves.
Unfortunately, for many years, as an intuitive and spiritual teacher I have felt as though I was teaching out in the wilderness, publicly considered a ‘weirdo’ and dismissed as ‘woo-woo’, misunderstood — my message wrongly perceived as having no basis in science or reality or considered ‘practical’ in any way.
Fast forward to 2022, however, where these dismissive perceptions are thankfully beginning to change. Science now acknowledges that humans have six senses and that our intuition is an internal energetic awareness of vibration, or ‘vibes’. This sense is centered in the heart, gut, and possibly even skin, and is far more perceptive and sensitive than our external five senses are.
For example, scientist and author Gregg Braden goes so far as to suggest the heart is 5000 times more acute than our five physical senses. Our sixth sense, which I call ‘our vibes’, keeps us connected to our spiritual self instead of only our physical self. It serves as an inner radar that guides us in meaningful ways when we learn to not only access but trust it. It works to keep us safe, out of harm’s way, and protected from danger in the world. It offers guidance on our health and emotional wellbeing and move us to create meaning and purpose in our lives.
In other words, our sixth sense is the ‘sensitivity chip’ we need to keep us faithful to who we are, grounded in where we are, conscious of what we contribute, and interested in our impact and influence on our planet as we travel through life.
This sense brings out the best in who we are: our awareness, compassion, creativity, and contribution. Sadly, this sense has been ignored by the majority of people, thus leading to the problems we face today. By acknowledging and using our intuitive intelligence, our sixth sense, we will find our way to innovative, creative, balanced healing solutions to all the problems we face today.
In my book, Trust Your Vibes: Living an Extraordinary Life by Activating your Intuitive Intelligence, I help you activate this great superpower. Intuition is not something to develop. Instead, it is an inner light of awareness that we need to turn on…and leave on.
This light flickers off and on in most people because it is natural. The problem is that intuition has been generally ignored, dismissed, and devalued up until recently — instead of followed.
Now is the time to change this once and for all.
Recognizing and activating our intuitive intelligence and giving it our proper attention, respect, and cooperation will radically transform our lives and the planet.
Our sixth sense is our solution sense. It guides us where mere physical observation and outward awareness fail. It leads us to insights and understanding that open the way for better decisions, interactions, and creations. It is the change in thinking we need.
I believe that activating our sixth sense is no longer optional in life. On the contrary, it is an essential source of guidance for all human beings who wish to thrive, create, and positively contribute in life. The best part about activating and following your vibes is that it immediately balances, grounds, and reassures you. Better yet, it adds a sprinkle of mystery and magic back into your days and makes your life more joyful and genuinely fun.
We are all hard-wired with a sixth sense. It is ready to serve you the minute you decide to let it. Yes, Einstein was right. We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that got us into them in the first place. We can solve them, however, by using our superpower, our intuition, and allowing it to lead us to the best version of ourselves and the best creations in our lives.
Trusting your vibes will help make that possible for you. Let me explain more…

The following is excerpted from Sonia Choquette’s new book, Trust Your Vibes: Live An Extraordinary Life By Activating Your Intuitive Intelligence, ©Hay House, June 2022
Over the past 50 years, I’ve taught millions of people to have an extraordinary life. An ‘extraordinary life’ is available to everyone because it is our natural birthright. It isn’t something we hack into with our clever intellect. It’s something we surrender into. An extraordinary life comes from connecting with your authentic Self, your Divine spirit, your inner guidance, and letting this part of you become the navigator of your life.
The only way to live an extraordinary life is to trust your vibes, the turn-by-turn directions coming from your spirit. This means letting go of the safety of the known, the place of certainty and control that keeps you small, stuck, and limited. It means taking a leap of faith and doing something different. An extraordinary life asks you to step into the unknown, where you will meet an entire constellation of hidden support that lies far beyond our limited logic and perception. This leap is not into the void. It is a leap back into your true Self.
Trusting your vibes is trusting your empowered spirit and letting go of the fear that keeps you from living authentically. Stop for a moment and recognize how often your true spirit, experienced as your vibes, has already successfully guided you in life. These same vibes will continue to guide you to live your best life as long as you trust them to do so.
The first step in living an intuitively guided life is to recognize that you are a spiritual being, that you are naturally designed to be intuitive, that you feel your intuition through ‘vibes’ — and that trusting your vibes is necessary if you want to experience your best life.
Some people dismiss vibes as ‘woo-woo’. This is the worst decision you could ever make because ‘woo-woo’ is the way to go. What people call woo-woo is transcending logic and tuning in to the voice of your spirit, your true Self, your Divine personal power. We all need a little woo-woo to rise above the fray of an ordinary life of struggle and survival, to free ourselves from the tyranny that comes with endlessly trying to figure things out, and to happily get on our way to living a life of wonder, grace, and flow.
What Are Vibes?
Your vibes are the voice of your authentic Self, your spirit (as opposed to your inauthentic ego Self) guiding you through life. Your spirit does not communicate to you through thoughts or words. Instead, it transmits information energetically, through your body, just like your other senses do. You don’t think vibes. You feel them. And I don’t mean ‘feel’ as in feeling an emotion. I mean sensing subtle energetic vibrations or signals that convey a more accurate understanding of what is happening in your life than meets the eye or is evident at the moment. Your vibes work like energetic traffic signals, such as red, yellow, and green, or like merge, caution, and stop signs, depending on the message. Your spirit communicates like a satellite GPS radar, helping you navigate the road ahead by sending advance warnings and helpful directions as you go. Once you become aware of vibes, you will begin to seek out these signals from your spirit to guide you.
Like road signs, vibes are easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention or are distracted. And you don’t want to miss them, because if you do, you may get turned around, led off course, and even completely lost. Through vibes, your spirit quickly tells you how to get to where you want to go in life in the most direct way possible. Your spirit also points out marvels along the way that you might otherwise not see because you didn’t even know they were there. And vibes, of course, also keep you from crashing. That’s why it’s important to be on the alert for vibes and follow your inner signals.
Many great people who have changed the world for the better have attributed their phenomenal success to somehow embracing the woo-woo transmissions coming their way. Thomas Edison once said, “The first step is an intuition — and comes with a burst.” Oprah Winfrey said, “Learning to trust your instincts, using your intuitive sense of what’s best for you, is paramount for any lasting success. I’ve trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And the only time I’ve made mistakes is when I didn’t listen.”
But the person who summed up trusting your vibes better than any other is Albert Einstein when he said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift. The rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Intuitively guided people use all six senses and put the sixth sense first. They know they are spiritual beings, co-creators with the Universe, here to connect with their heart’s desires and contribute to the world’s betterment. So, they let their spirit lead in confidence and follow its guidance without hesitation, knowing that if they do, everything will turn out better than they could have possibly imagined.
These people recognize the spirit in themselves and others and seek to connect with that spirit in every way. A person who trusts their vibes is deeply attuned to the body, listens for the signals from spirit, and expects positive guidance and outcomes every day.
Intuitively guided people feel secure because they are connected to their sacred gift Einstein spoke of, their Universal Light, and while they may have flickering moments of doubt, they know they will always receive Divine support to help them overcome it. You can be one of these extraordinary people by trusting your vibes, beginning today…right here in this very moment.
Quiz: How Intuitive Are You Now?
Let’s start by recognizing how presently attuned and responsive you already are to your vibes. Complete the following questionnaire, answering with either rarely, sometimes or often, after each statement.
1. When I’m with someone, I easily understand how they feel.
2. I love to physically move and exercise.
3. I listen to my gut feelings, even if they don’t make sense.
4. I’m aware of when someone is lying to me or manipulating me.
5. I can tell if I’m on the wrong track, and I change it.
6. I know when someone is misleading me.
7. I tend to get overly involved with other people’s problems.
8. I get immediate answers even when I don’t fully understand the problem.
9. I change my plans quickly if I get a bad feeling.
10. I share what I have and don’t worry about having enough.
11. I feel protected in some way, as though someone were watching over me.
12. I can say no even when it’s difficult.
13. I express my true feelings, even when they’re unpopular.
14. I trust myself to make the final decision.
15. I’m careful whom I ask for advice.
16. I like to take risks and try new things.
17. I take care of my body.
18. I pay attention to people and listen closely when they speak.
19. I know things before they happen.
20. I often think of people and then they call me the same day.
21. I sense whether people and situations are good for me.
22. I’m a creative thinker and love to doodle or play when I have a free moment.
23. I have a great sense of humor.
24. There are a lot of coincidences in my life.
25. I believe I have helpers on the Other Side, such as guardian angels.
26. I’m spontaneous and love to dance.
When you’ve completed the questionnaire, go back and look at your answers. Give yourself one point for each Rarely, two points for each Sometimes, and three points for each Often.
If your score was 26–39:
You’re not presently in the habit of noticing your intuition — but this will change rapidly when you use the practices and tools in my book. As you open to your intuitive Self, your sense of adventure and vitality will increase significantly.
If your score was 40–59:
You’re already quite tuned in to your sixth sense, although you may not call it that. You may just consider yourself ‘hypersensitive’ or ‘lucky’. As you work with these practices, you’ll experience an increasing sense of safety, guidance, and creativity, and your life will become much more exciting and satisfying.
If your score was 60–78:
You probably realize that your sixth sense is exceptionally developed, but you may not trust it completely. As you practice the tools in this book, you’ll develop the confidence you need to begin living the joyful life of a fully awakened six-sensory being. You’ll learn how to navigate life with grace and ease and soar above problems rather than struggle through them.
Start by Listening to Your Body
Perhaps the most immediate way to tune in to your vibes is by listening to the energetic feedback of your physical body. Your head listens to your ego, which filters out and distorts information, believes what is not true, or convinces you that it’s okay to do what’s harmful. Your body, however, listens to your spirit, which tells the truth. It honestly and accurately reflects how energy impacts you on a vibrational level through physical signals, such as aches, pains, flutters, ripples, tightness, fatigue, or even sickness to keep you safe and aligned with your spirit. Of course, the signals change depending on what they are trying to tell you.
The good news is, not only is the body an honest, intuitive channel, it’s also straightforward. In other words, if you’re on the right track doing what supports your soul and spirit, then you’re going to feel more at ease, full of life, relaxed, and peaceful. Your heart will open and beat steadily. Your energy will increase, and you’ll be relatively free from stress. If, on the other hand, you’re making choices that compromise or betray your spirit, or if you find yourself in circumstances that threaten or disrupt your energetic wellbeing, your heart will pound, your stress will rise, your sleep may be harder to come by, and your body may even hurt.
If you ignore these signals for a long time, your physical body will turn up the volume and try even harder to get your attention. These louder signals result in greater tension, irritability, insomnia, reactivity, anxiety, or any number of little to bigger physical disturbances. And if you ignore your body’s signals completely, a ‘red alert’ siren turns on in the way of more significant physical disturbance, and there’s a good chance that you could become ill or depressed.
Woo-Woo Workout
Try something I call a ‘vibe check’. By this I mean run a mental scanner over yourself from head to toe and see if you’re receiving any signals. Do you sense any psychic telegrams in the form of aches, pains, tingles, illness, or tension? If so, ask the feeling directly what it is telling you. Then answer out loud. Don’t overthink it and try to figure it out, because you’ll get stuck back in your head. Instead, sound it out by speaking directly from the heart and do it quickly. The faster you acknowledge what you’re feeling in a vibe check, the more precise the answer coming through will be. Be curious about the message and let your body do the listening.
While taking your shower, vibe check again. Water washes away mental debris and interference and leaves your mind quiet so your heart can be heard. Something in you opens while under running water that frees the intuitive voice inside. Mentally scan your body from the feet up, slowly. Check to see if you notice anything at all, however slight, that is trying to tell you something. Remember, vibes are subtle. If you pause or hesitate at any part of your body, your body is trying to tell you something. Instead, ask it directly what’s going on. Ask what it wants you to know, what is essential that you haven’t noticed before, and what it needs. Then let it know that you’re now paying attention.
If you curse, reject, or criticize your body regularly, please stop, because you’re really hurting yourself by attacking your primary intuitive receiver. Your body is your ally, so quit diminishing, poisoning, harming, or ignoring it. Don’t shoot the messenger — after all, your body can only work with what you give it, and it’s just trying to protect you either from yourself or from something in your world.
If you have a particular physical challenge, ask your body what you can do to ease the problem. Don’t dismiss what you feel as if it’s only your imagination when your body talks to you either — even if it is, what you’re imagining will have meaning. Instead, pay close attention and voice these body messages out loud so that you can hear what your body is saying. The more you acknowledge your body’s signals out loud, the clearer and more precise your body’s messages will be.
Vibe check often throughout the day. Be alert for any tension, tightness, rumbles, tickles, flickers, uneasiness, pain, loss, or surge of energy, or fits of restlessness — and see if they correlate to the situation you’re in. For example, does the tightness in your chest correspond to entering your workplace? Does the burst of energy you feel have anything to do with the great new friend you just met or the class you enrolled in? Notice how your body communicates the red and green lights of intuitive feedback, and don’t censor or dismiss a thing.
Always Trust Your Vibes
Trusting your vibes creates a partnership with the Universe that moves you through each day as though it were a dance with the Divine. What you will discover when surrendering control over to your Divine spirit, the Universe will partner with you — and together, you’ll create a life of grace, harmony, simplicity, and abundance. While this may seem far-fetched, risky, and unlikely to the five-sensory person, for the intuitive and soulful person, this is your natural design, guaranteed to make your life better and better.
You may also enjoy Kristen Noel’s interview with Sonia Choquette.