Traveling becomes more accessible when you learn to budget, prioritize, relax and enjoy the people and culture different from your own
Once social media was introduced, the world expanded into a great platform for far-off friendships.
You can become a wanderlust explorer through sites like Facebook or Skype to forge friendships and to learn about other people and their cultures. You can also use social media to find ways to travel to meet those new friends. Although traveling beyond the borders can be quite expensive, if you have curiosity in your veins and a desire to explore — or maybe even teach — then there are ways to travel abroad on a budget.
Here are some suggestions:
Volunteer Abroad
Most of us would love to sign on to help and serve others in other countries by doing things that support sustainability efforts in other parts of the world. Volunteering can also help you feel like you have become family to the natives. Paying for trips like these usually just costs the amount it takes to join the volunteer organization.
Couch Surfing
If you are interested in more of an exploration or excavation adventure, then this would probably be a great way for hikers or a treasure hunter to save some money. These days it is not difficult to find people who are willing to rent out rooms in their homes and provide meals for a small fee. It is cheaper to pay a single fee to a native homeowner than to go broke paying for a hotel and dinner out every night.
The best part is that you usually will gain an insider’s knowledge about the country you are in when staying with a local.
Travel with Friends
Throw all the pocket change that you have in a pile with your best buddies and budget out a great adventure! The best part of traveling this way is that you will not have to enjoy your experiences alone. And after everyone antes up, you will probably have enough money to enjoy a once in a lifetime trip together with your friends.
Study Abroad
This is a great way to go if you are a college student looking for an adventure. A lot of colleges offer this option or will point you in the direction of programs where you can earn college credit. Financial aid packages generally cover the cost of overseas studies, but there are always scholarships to apply for to help pay for your study abroad.
Become a Minimalist
When thinking about traveling overseas, it pays to be minimalist. In addition to minimizing your expenses, you will also want to minimize the things you will need to pack for your trip.
The truth is, the less you need, the more freedom and less stress you will have.
A New Sense of Self
There are so many different things you can learn when out of your comfort zone and in another world, so soak in every part of your visit to whatever destination you pick. Learn the language. Make new friendships. And find the beauty in the beyond. Travel provides you an opportunity to find the freedom in simplicity, and the love in all humankind. Maybe while discovering a new way of life, you will also find a new person within yourself.
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