The edge of a nest, like a comfort zone, can hold us back or propel us forward. If you’re ready to fly in any aspect of your life…read on!
On a recent annual pilgrimage to Maine this summer, the most exciting thing that happened each morning (aside from the hot coffee and fresh baked goods delivery to our campground) —was this. Look closely, a baby bird about to fly the nest. Initially, there were 2 and this guy (I decided it was a ‘he’) was left. Though it appears from this photo that I just happened to capture ‘the’ moment before the big leap — alas, it was not and in fact, it took a few days of back-and-forth.
You see, he took two steps forward and then one back. Went out on the edge of the nest and then retreated to the comfort of what he knew. Flapped his wings with the confidence that he could fly and then looked down, terrorized and immobilized.
Sound familiar?
While I believe in the divine timing of life — I also believe that there are moments where we are scared shitless, both in our personal and professional lives.
We’re not sure our wings will flap fast enough, that we won’t fall flat on the ground, that we won’t fail, that there is no safety net to catch us.
Life doesn’t come with a money-back guarantee. Sometimes we just have to go for it — we have to bust-a-move and we need to trust in what is calling to us…be it a mama bird from a nearby tree limb or a passion project. As Wayne Dyer said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”
Where are you holding back? I know I have my tactics. I bet you have yours. Could you consider stepping up onto the ledge of your comfort zone and going for it? The little guy in this picture did and as an endnote: he didn’t fall to the ground. If he can do it, so can you and I!
It’s time to fly, Best Selfers!
There is freedom waiting for you,
~ Erin Hanson
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask, “What if I fall?”
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?