Organic goes beyond food — understand the impact of your buying choices on you and the environment
When you say the word organic, the first thing that comes to mind is food, usually gluten-free and with more vitamins and nutrients than standard foods. Many people put an almost religious pressure on the word organic, but this is as far from the true meaning of the word as it can be used.
Firstly, ‘organic’ doesn’t just apply to food. Secondly, when it comes to food, specialists haven’t found nutritional differences between organic products and standard ones. So why do we care so much about things being organic?
What Does Organic Mean?
The fast development of industry led to the use of various chemicals to increase the yield and/or shelf life of agricultural goods and for manufactured goods, to either shorten the manufacturing process or make the product more resistant to decay under certain conditions. Of course, the motivation has always been to increase profits derived from their production.
However, as we consume more and more of these products, we have discovered that some of these chemicals can be harmful tohuman wellbeing, the environment, and other living beings. Still, many producers have a tough time letting go ofthe now standard processes. Why? Because they would lose money.
But the customer (meaning you) has the final word to say in all of this — and now is the time to take a stand!
The organic culture is not a caprice; it’s a natural result to the over-industrialized system that runs incivilized countries. Furthermore, as I already mentioned, the term ‘organic’ doesn’t just apply to food; it’s also used for products created using natural fibers without harmful chemicals.
So, if you have concerns about your health and the health of your descendants, make sure to only choose products that support a clean process of production.
Which Products are Organic?
When you want to go organic, it’s important to know what this means.
Basically, something labeled organicshould be free of synthetic additives, dyes, industrial solvents, and other harsh chemicals knownto endanger human health. To recognize a product that’s free of chemicals and highly-processed methods, make sure to look for the USDA Organic seal, or the mention ‘100% organic’. The seal applies to foods, beverages, personal care products, and even your bed, because they are all designed using fibers and natural ingredients.
Personal Care Products
For such a product to be considered organic, it had to be obtained from plant-based ingredients that meet USDA’s standards. I guess we can say that organic personal care products are made from organic agricultural products.
The benefits of choosing organic personal care products are quite impressive. For one, they are safer for both adults and kids. These products can be used, and often improved with essential oils, which are also beneficial for your health.
As I mentioned above, your bed can be organic. Nowadays, one of the most popular materials for beds is memory foam; this is a man-made material manufactured by using several types of chemicals. While there is no proof that memory foam is harmful toyour health, the production methods are not exactly gentle to the environment.
Therefore, I recommend mattresses made from natural fibers such as latex (obtained from the rubber tree’s sap), wool, feathers, or more. The resulting surface regulates sleep temperature better, provides good ventilation, and keeps any creepy crawlies and allergens at bay.
Even the clothes you wear every daycan be organic if they are made of natural fibers such as cotton or wool. The only way you can make sure they are indeed organic is to look for the USDA Certification seal.
If the manufacturer followed the USDA rules, the product will be labeled as being organic. However, you may also find products saying that only some of the fibers are organic; these won’t have the USDA seal, but they are still a step in the right direction.
In Conclusion
Besides taking better care of your health, when you buy organic you also take care of the environment. Most of the chemicals used to create non-organic products will eventually end up in the water or soil, and the price will be paid by future generations. So, before you decide to buy something, make sure to first check the label!
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