Truly loving yourself paves the path for happiness, inner peace and authentic relationships
My first book Truly Love Me is about finding true love — love of myself. Getting my book published by Hay House was the start of my life as an international author, speaker and coach. It was the start of a dream come true!
But 13 years ago, I wanted to end my life.
During one of my many suicide attempts, I called upon the Universe to either take me back (as I didn’t have the guts to take my life), or else put me on the right path so that I could live and breath again. I went into a meditative chanting state. I cried and surrendered my whole being in those many hours. I didn’t know what the outcome would be, but I was totally in faith and willing to let go. Unexpectedly I heard a Divine Voice tell me 2 things : 40 days and Vegetarian. I was dazed, but also so much at peace. I felt like I was surrounded by a blanket of love. After that very calm moment, my life changed as I began my walk of understanding to True Love.
Truly Love Me emerged 12 years after that magical night when I received the Voice of Love. My book shares how I was aimlessly searching for true love since l was a little 6-year old girl. I kept getting myself in the wrong hands, in wrong situations, marked by failures of understanding my true emotions. I could never trust anyone because I lost myself in the web of an unloved Me. My body, mind and soul were being abused until the day I decided to leave Me. The only thing I was holding on to was faith that an unexplainable magical world may exist. Through all the walks of thorns, bumps and holes, I learned that True Love begins with Me. How can I not love myself?
I was projecting out for true love like a fairy tale princess instead of looking within. My projections of true love were going in the wrong direction.
Then one day the Universe sent me a wonderful, selfless and unconditional Loving Spiritual Teacher. I learned much about Love and Fear from my Spiritual Teacher. He also introduced me to the books of Louise Hay. Since then I have been working to understand ‘WHO AM I’. I have slowly learned to fall in love with myself, moment by moment. I found my true love that is Me. I learned that true love energy is within; it is not found outside through anyone else. Of course, we can love others, but by falling in love with ourselves first we are better able to understand the strength of unconditional love for ourselves and others. Now I am on a Love vacation for life!
There is always a point where you may be wondering if your partner truly loves you. Or does your family love you? Or do friends really love you?
All these questions will slowly fade away once you realize that the most valuable relationship with you is Your Self.
If you are unable to fall in love with yourself, then it is truly impossible to retain any healthy relationship with others. The more you aimlessly search for true love outside of your self, the more gaps you are creating within. One you realize your worth and become the Driver of your true love, you will understand that without you, there is no true love.
True love means vibrating the energy not only to another human being but to nature too. You will start noticing how nature responds to you wherever you are. You will feel safe and protected like in a butterfly cocoon. All you need to understand is simple: Acknowledge that you are Love. Yes it is that simple.
The next thing you have to practice is Trust and Honesty. You must be honest about your inner feelings and thought patterns. This awareness creates the road of Trueness of Love. When you are honest with yourself in every sense, then you will be more understanding of Your True Nature. As you begin to be one with your true nature, you will be more aligned to know who and what else is aligned with you. This is like finding a hidden diamond within. You will want to spend more time with people who also love themselves. You will not demand or want acceptance and approval from others. You will let love flow naturally and truthfully to you. You will realize that you are powerful and will start taking charge of Your Inner True Love.
You will notice that calmness and steadiness evolve in you. You will see the new vibrant and joyful person that you are. Even when faced with challenges, you will able to take control of your emotions. Decision making and action will bring harmony to your life as you experience less negativity. You will able to uplift yourself automatically when you realize that you do not depend on anyone to give you happiness. You are happiness and joyous energy!
The ultimate key to happiness is to feel the truth of Love within.
As we start realizing what loving beings we are, we create the synergy of oneness and peace with everyone around us. We will never escape from challenges in our lives, but with Love we can always make a truce with this journey called Life. The more we tap into the Love within us, the more we attract Love around us. True Love will only attract the true connection of love — which starts when we become aware that we are the true love within.
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