Discover how to align with a higher vibration of energy, and all aspects of your life will improve
I first encountered the notion of vibrational frequencies while travelling across Northern Europe as a teenager.
At the time I had of course no idea that a frequency could pertain to more than just a radio wave, nor that we as human actually carried one — the whole idea that my entire reality was made up of vibrational energy fields at a quantum level, was a little too grandiose for me to take in at the time.
Then years passed, and the world changed. It grew. It adapted to house more holistic ideas about our lives and wellbeing — and thankfully, so did I.
When I first began studying the correlation between the quality of thoughts and the overall health of the body, I noticed that our so-called diet was, in reality, made up of much more than just the foods consumed with our mouths on a daily basis. In fact, it included a far larger spectrum of energetic nourishment, encompassing the frequencies of all that surrounds us at any given time — including objects, people and places.
That’s where it all got interesting.
To better understand what was going on down here on this marvellous piece of rock that we call Earth, I had to look further out into the cosmos. Made of pure energy, each basic element of the known atomic chart is forged around energy at different rates of vibration — at the atomic, sub-atomic and quantum levels. Everything in the universe (and therefore our world, including its inhabitants) is made up of pure energy. In other words, we humans are made of cells, which in turn are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and these are actually just vibrating energy at the core. In short, everything is energy.
Now, these vibrating energies create a wave as a means of propulsion that touch everything around them. Since everything we see, feel and sense in our reality is made up of this energy, everything we allow into our reality — from music, food, thoughts and colors to the style of communication we use and the TV programs that we watch — have an impact on our frequency. They are inseparable. This includes, of course, the company we keep, the places that we frequent and the things we do for a living and how we go about it.
These energies either serve us or dis-serve us.
I noticed that when the resonance of the body was one of health, it would vibrate at a higher frequency and shield lower vibrational energies from entering and affecting it detrimentally. When this became lowered due to stress, emotional hurt or thoughts that were inauspicious to our overall wellbeing, the resonance of the lower energies around it would become a match and create a disharmony in the form of illness or disease — even here the notion of ‘like attract like’ came into effect.
If our frequencies are always organically present, does this mean that we can attract back onto us whatever resonance we are emitting at any given time? And most importantly, that our energy affects everything and everyone we have a propinquity with?
In accepting this truth, the matter of personal responsibility suddenly becomes elevated to a whole different level.
I observed many people gravitating towards a compulsive, weekly dose of ‘entertainment’ rooted in violence/pain/fear as they became programmed into believing that they needed this in order to be happy. Our environment — including toxic media, chemicals, rhetoric and relationships — serves this to us on a platter, readily turning part of our vibrational nutrition into one of low energy, a pattern that, if followed regularly, locks us into a state of need and addiction to self-inflicted pain, much like a drug.
Breaking free from such a destructive relationship only becomes possible if an awareness of the Inner Self is present. Without this essential connection, any emotional pain becomes transmuted into a deleterious force within the body, festering and mutating into its own very entity.
Luckily, within us, we also hold the antidote against the manifestation of lower vibrational energies through the practice of stilling the mind. Through several group meditation sessions, I witnessed its vibration-boosting power completely transform the energetic field and re-stabilize it back to its normality. Sharpened mental clarity was also gained by its practice, as well as an overall, superior alignment of the higher self.
Whenever I am asked today if there is anything one can do to protect themselves from lower vibrations, I tend to answer them with a simple question: Are your thoughts contributing to your positive expansion, or are they energetically neutral (or worse)?
If your thoughts, actions, relationships and environment aren’t serving your higher self, it’s time to shift into ones that do.
Read more from Sam Glory in her new book:
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