The role of a lightworker can be a confusing calling, but learning to live in alignment with one’s feelings and intuition will manifest a greater mission of love and service
Like so many Lightworkers, I always had this unspoken inner knowledge that I was here for a reason and there was work I came here to do. I don’t think it was something that I discovered or decided but rather a memory or a yearning that came from deep within. But I had no freaking idea what I was meant to DO about it. The whole thing was very stressful.
As a teenager, desperately trying to fit in, my spiritual closet was quickly erected. By day I was the normal, sporty, creative girl at school. By night, I was in communion with my soul. I’d close my bedroom door and let my soul speak through my writing. It was my favorite time of day; it lit me up more than anything on the planet.
I was onto something but I had no idea what it was.
When it came time to choose careers, I found myself going into advertising as I figured it was the most “socially acceptable” job for an undercover Lightworker. I’d have the opportunity to reach millions of people by putting positive messages out there. But Yogi Bajan didn’t say to DO the light, he said to BE the light. I was so focused on what I should DO that I failed to acknowledge what actually lit me up.
I created a great career for myself, moved to London, won awards, and reached my career goal of becoming a Creative Director before I turned 30. I created some beautiful campaigns and got positive messages out there, but it was bloody hard work. On the outside my life looked amazing; however, each night I’d walk through my front door and collapse on my sofa, exhausted and depleted. I would then spend my weekends desperately trying to recharge myself so I could show up on Monday morning and do it all again. It was no way to live.
Then something miraculous happened. My whole life fell apart.
In a short period of time I had a miscarriage, my ten-year relationship ended, two dear friends suddenly passed away, and I realized that the career I’d worked so hard to create did not fit my soul. It was as if the universe turned off all the lights so I had no choice but to tend to my own.
Praying for guidance, I vowed to do two things every day: to turn my light on through meditation and to follow what lit me up, regardless of the outcome. My life depended on it.
I’d always been in awe of the inspirational power the beauty of nature had on me and so I gave myself a weekly budget of £20 to buy whatever bunch of flowers lit me up the most. Before long I discovered the peony. That flower healed my heart more than anything ever could. As it courageously opened, my heart did too, and just when I thought it couldn’t possibly open any further, it courageously opened some more.
I made walking and Sourcing (my favorite form of meditation) a non-negotiable part of my day. Soon my soul began to whisper, and I captured its words with a Moleskin and a Sharpie under the oak trees of Hyde Park. As spring burst through, I began sharing these messages on Instagram as #RebeccaThoughts. By summer, #RebeccaThoughts had turned into the Instant Guidance Oracle on my new website. They then transmuted into a book proposal to Hay House. One spring later I found myself clicking ‘File’ > ‘Save’ on the last word of my book, before looking up and discovering myself sitting in the middle of The Queen’s Rose Garden in the middle of Regent’s Park, where I had written the entire book.
After 17 years of desperately trying to DO the light, it took actually following the invisible trail of what lit me up in order to actually BE it.
When we follow what lights us up we automatically light up the world with our presence. If you have heard the call from spirit to light up the world (and I believe we all have), do what lights you up regardless of the outcome or a need to know where it is all leading. As you light up, you will inspire a chain of events that is beyond what you could possibly imagine.
Our souls are always calling us toward our highest path and purpose. When we say YES to what lights us up, by default, we light up the world in a way that only we can, and bring the universe back into harmony. Follow the blissful trail of what lights you up today and you will light up the world without even trying.
Letter to a Lightworker
I believe that you came into this life with a deep inner knowing of what you were here to do, with an inner guidance system to make it happen.
I’m not talking about a carefully laid-out path, which comes with an instruction manual, but rather an unshakable, deep-seated knowing that you’re here for a reason. That there is serious work to do and the universe will support you in doing it.
I believe that until you answer this calling, you will always feel as though there is something missing and something you have forgotten. No matter what you use to numb it out, it will be there. The only way to silence the calling is to answer it.
I believe that your message is so deeply engrained that sometimes it’s hard to realize that everyone else doesn’t think like you. They don’t.
I believe you chose your parents. No matter how hard or soft, rich or poor, light or dark, old or young, present or not, kind or troubled – you chose them. And with this simple selection you were put in exactly the right place and given exactly what you needed as inspiration to rise up, to rise up into yourself, to rise up into your highest, most authentic self. To take your position.
I believe that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, and your pain happened for you, not to you. And I bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you to be open.
I believe that life lessons are less about getting it right and more about getting it wrong.
I believe that you are more on track than you feel, even if you don’t feel it — especially if you don’t feel it. For the farther off track you get, the closer you actually are to abandoning the wrong path and leaping onto the right one.
I believe that you are closer than you think and more qualified to deliver your message than you could ever fathom.
I believe that the things that you are here to teach are the very things that you most need to learn, and that the best teachers are the ones that struggle the most because when they get it, they get it with a triple smackdown.
I believe that the darkness is a birthing process and that, in order to find your light, first you need to venture through the shadows of your ego.
I believe that in order to be a light in the world, you first need to come home to who you truly are and then bravely show it to all those around you.
I believe that you are surrounded by a personal team of angels, guides, and teachers, both in this world and beyond, who are so completely devoted to your growth that if you understood this, you would not spend one more day worrying about things working out. And if you could see things from their viewpoint, each time you’d see a challenge, you would meet it with a cheer.
I believe in you. And us. And all of this.
And so it is.
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