Want to jumpstart your journey of self-reflection? Pick up a journal and start to write
Some of you might think that journals are only for young girls. I did, too.
When I was a kid I used to keep a journal. As I grew up, I abandoned it. I was an adult and adults do not keep a diary, right? Yet, every time I was in the process of facing a challenge, I would turn to the page and write down my feelings and thoughts. I finally admitted to myself that I needed and wanted a regular journaling practice as a grown up; it is now part of my daily routine.
Is journaling part of your routine? If not, consider starting.
Journaling is a wonderful way to practice self-reflection. When we reflect — which is different from thinking or overthinking — we focus on feelings, desires, and truly learn a bit more about ourselves.
The focus is on learning, not on judging, about your inner world and the impact you have on the outer world.
A reflectionis an image that you can see in a mirror or in glass or water. A journal becomes that mirror where we can observe what is happening within us. In so doing, we become more present to what is happening to us. The simple act of acknowledging through self-reflection is a way to create space which allows us to process better and feel better. It ultimately becomes our own tool, always available to us, to manage our psychological and emotional health.
Some of the benefits of regular journaling are stress reduction (due to better prioritization) and the opportunity to catch ourselves before something triggers us. It also provides us with a safe space to express ourselves — and the more we do it, the more it becomes a place to find positive encouragement.
If these benefits aren’t enough to convince you to start a self-reflecting practice, let me ask you a question: “What permission are you not giving yourself to tell the raw, wild truth?”
Experiment writing down the answer to this question without overthinking and editing yourself. What comes up? Read it back to yourself after you feel you have let everything out. You might be surprised by how different it feels to write down your thoughts and emotions rather than thinking of them. It can be so liberating!
Self-reflection is an essential part of a holistic approach to healing.
Without it we can’t deeply understand what is in our inner world and without it we can’t find the best possible solutions for ourselves.
It doesn’t need to be heavy or rigid. It can be as unstructured as you like, and it can take only few minutes every day. By creating a simple daily routine, you can make a big difference in your life. When you track your inner state in a journal (or a special place like a painting, or another form of art), you start to track your changing feelings. Your also begin to notice your rhythms — this alone can jumpstart your healing, growth, and expansion.
Sometimes it can be challenging to know where or how to begin on this journey of continued self-reflection. Using prompts can inspire new thoughts and help you out of a potential block. With this intention, I have created a year long journal, Freevolution, which is full of inspiration, practices, mantras, and images to help you create more freedom, love and ‘r-evolve’ whole in your life.
If you want more than just surviving the roller coaster of life, if you want instead to ride it with freedom and joy, you need something unshakeable inside youto help point the way. That is your own wisdom which is always available to you and that you can access through self-reflection. In time it will become natural to hear the whispers of your own intelligence guiding you back to your truest self.
There is something to be re-discovered: yourself — and self-reflection is the way.
If you are ready to take the next step of your journey and break through the limitations that are holding you back from living the life you are meant for, learn more about Freevolution.
It is my desire with Freevolution to connect you with a movement of seekers who are committed to fill their lives with more creativity. It will support you for a year-long journey with guidance, inspiration to build new rituals, shift your perception, and create your path back home to your whole self.
Guiding people to re-discover their intelligence, integrity and impact on the world is my soul’s calling. This is the work I am here to do: Supporting creative seekers in truly embodying your power, owning your gifts, and standing tall with vision and value so that you can give voice to the work you are deeply called to do.
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