Understanding wealth, how it exists, what is preventing you from having it and how you can choose to bring it into your life
Creating sustainable wealth is a target many business owners strive to attain, yet only a few are able to achieve with ease. The most common reason why people fail to achieve sustainable wealth is due to a lack of knowledge about how to create wealth. Another major reason is the lack of ability to apply that knowledge.
People usually fail to educate themselves about money and wealth creation.
A holistic approach to wealth creation has never been easier for those who are developing a new interest in alternative wealth creation strategies. From our perspective, with the right knowledge, systems and practices, anyone can develop their capacity to be in charge of their money and finance, particularly entrepreneurs that are already excited about creating and managing their business.
What does a holistic approach to creating wealth mean?
A holistic approach means thinking about the big picture and creating from a space of possibility instead of from a space of conclusion or expected outcome. It is a constant state of being aware that there is a different possibility. This is the place where you look to see how everything can be greater. I like to think of a holistic approach as ‘being conscious and aware’, living life from infinite choice and from infinite possibilities.
The term ‘holistic’ was first coined by the philosopher Aristotle. This phrase describes the dynamic concept of synergy and touches on how there needs to be coherence between all the moving pieces of our lives. The space of coherence begins as a state of ‘being’.
In a holistic approach to wealth creation (and life generally), there are four interconnecting aspects: the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the consciousness.
Every choice creates effects on all four aspects. This is your life. Be aware of what your choices will create. What happens to one aspect of your life and your creation will affect all other aspects of your life.
Your financial life is a central part of your life and living. So, wealth creation must be an integral part of your life, and not separate from your day-to-day life. Take a moment now and check how connected are you with your financial life? Are you present, or not, with the direction in which your financial life is moving? When you make the choice to be present, you don’t cut off your awareness, you invite it to something greater.
What is required is for you to develop your awareness to integrate your daily life with creating wealth. It’s about creating what you want and generating sustainable integration in a way that fits your lifestyle, your nature, your interests, and your desires. In other words, it comes down to you. It is 100% up to you how you choose to create your financial reality.
When you create wealth from consciousness you will have an awareness of what your choices are and what their effects will be.
A holistic approach to creating wealth pays close attention to how the physical, emotional, mental, and consciousness aspects work together to make an incredible difference to your business and financial life. This is about opening to the choice of new possibility and to the question of what can get created, instead of the conclusion of what should be created.
Surprisingly, the number one reason many people never create wealth through their business is simply because they have never consciously and deliberately chosen to create it. They operate their business without ever intentionally choosing to be wealthy. This is one of the key reasons many new businesses never make it beyond the initial levels of business development before they run out of resources. The business owners are not in charge of their money. And yet, if you ask them, they’ll say that creating wealth is one of the reasons they created the business.
Have you ever considered that it is truly possible to generate wealth through your business?
Are you proactively choosing to be the master of your finance and learn how to have money work hard for you? Without being money smart and without having the capacity to master your business finances, you cannot create sustainable wealth through your business.
Being money smart is about being literate and informed about personal and business finance and having the power and capacity to make money work for you. Money smart is the possession of awareness, skills, knowledge, attitude and aptitude that allows you to make smart choices with your money and business finance.
Wealth is just a choice!
Wealth is much more than having a lot of money or being rich. It’s about having infinite choices and infinite possibilities that allow you to create the life that works for you. With true wealth, you have freedom of choice to pursue your priorities, to be who you really are, to have real autonomy to do what you desire and to be able to live the life that you choose.
Making the choice to be wealthy is, absolutely, within your power. This is where the holistic approach to wealth creation truly begins. It starts with a very personal choice, a deliberate choice to be wealthy. Or you can choose to just stay in autopilot mode, be like everybody else and maintain business as usual. You have to choose the reality you want.
Every time you make a choice for wealth you actually pull energy into that choice for greater wealth and greater possibilities.
The key reason why most people are not making the choice to be wealthy is because they think that wealth is something outside of themselves. When you define wealth based on this point of view, then you will always stop you from being truly wealthy. Wealth is an internal state of being. Don’t put it outside of you as something you need to achieve. If you define wealth as something outside of you, or anything other than you, then you will never be wealthy and prosperous. When you are buying this definition of wealth you will always be in competition with yourself in trying to achieve it.
You don’t have to take on the limited points of view that other people buy into. You can choose to be and do something totally different. However, to make different choices, you have to be willing to look through a different set of eyes.
You must recognize that wealth is something you are.
Your major responsibility right now is to make a conscious choice to claim, own and acknowledge that being wealthy is truly possible and see it as a real part of your future. You have to recognize that there’s a different possibility available… and you then have to choose it. When you make a conscious choice to acknowledge that wealth is something you truly are, it generates an energy of contribution for creating your future and provides you with insight into what to do next.
Choosing to acknowledge your innate wealth allows you to develop a real potency with money and finance. For example, when you are acknowledging that wealth is truly possible for you to create, you will be aware of the future trends that can create an increase in your wealth if you invest in them.
You can alter your financial reality by changing your choices
To choose is to create.
Every choice you make creates the future possibilities you’re going to experience. When you consciously and deliberately choose to create wealth through your business, you will discover how to expand the element of true wealth you wish to have. Whether you’re doing operational activities, communicating with clients, or leading your staff, know that each choice you make in one activity, affects the whole.
Every circumstance of your life is the by-product of your choices. Every outcome you experience in life (whether it is success or failure, wealth or insufficiency, health or sickness, joy or despair) is the result of your choices and actions. Don’t judge this in any way, just be aware of it.
When you acknowledge that you have created your current conditions, then you can as easily un-create them and choose something different. Just the awareness that you actually chose everything in your life and can choose again, and choose something different if you like, is huge.
The first step is to take the time to educate yourself about how to deal with money…
…how to grow money with ease, and how to use money to generate different possibilities for you and your business. When you know how money and financial systems work, you can use your awareness to benefit from the situations where others do not see a different possibility. Being willing to know about money is being willing to be money smart and financially literate.
Financial education is a process of exploration. You must educate yourself through your own discovery process in your own way, to gain awareness and discover new and different possibilities for yourself. You have to be willing to keep your awareness and your energy on the financial pulse of your business as well as your personal finances. Consider these questions:
- Do you have a firm grasp on all of the financial matters in your business? Do you know what you are currently doing with your money every week, month and year?
- Do you have a clear picture of your business and your personal financial position? Do you keep a close eye on your income and expenses, your cash flow and your net worth?
- Are you financially literate and truly educated in everyday business and personal financial choices?
- Do you have the power and ability to grow your wealth and to act in your best interests when it comes to making choices with money for your business?
- Do you have financial systems specifically created to allow you to build wealth through your business?
Are you able to answer “yes” to these questions? If not, where do you need to start, what can you be and do different? If so, congratulations! You’re probably among the fortunate few who have achieved real financial literacy.
Choose to be the master of your money and finance
Choose now what you desire to create as your life, and make a commitment to do whatever it takes to actualize it. Then make a choice to start from where you are now and start with whatever means that may be at hand. You have to have an idea of what you’re shooting for, or wealth will always elude you.
Start looking at your business and your life and ask:
- What do I want?
- What reality would I like to create?
Most people wish to become wealthy, but it usually is not their first choice. Only a small number of business owners and entrepreneurs have become truly wealthy because they have chosen this as a priority. For most people, if becoming wealthy requires them to step out of their comfort zone or to stop being on autopilot mode, they will quickly abandon the choice to be the creator source of their wealth.
Your points of view and your beliefs are everything when it comes to wealth creation, success and business.
Your beliefs have a tremendous impact on your ability to create wealth through your business. You will never attain what you cannot see yourself doing and being. If you believe that it isn’t possible to generate sustainable wealth through your business, then this will be true for you. This is not esoteric or fictional, because if you do not believe that it is truly possible, then you are not ready to build wealth through your business.
To create wealth through your business, start with these five keys:
1. Your wealth is something you create with your choices.
Be aware of what your choices will create. Every choice you make determines what your future can be. So, when you make a choice, recognize what limitations or possibilities are being generated with that choice. Your choices from a state of consciousness will create a different possibility for your business and your financial reality that you haven’t considered possible.
2. Be open to change.
Choose to be ever aware, ready to shift strategy and tactics as the situation requires. Be willing to stay open to the new, the unfamiliar, and the unknown. Most vital, you must cultivate the ability to change and transform on a dime. This ability comes from the capacity to adapt as needed and to create flexible structures that are appropriate and suitable for that moment.
3. Know what you would like to create as your future.
Everything you do creates your future. It is essential to be aware of what you would like to create as your life, your business and your financial future. Once you know this, you will start to generate what is required to create them. Ask yourself: “What am I creating? Am I happy to just work hard for my money? What do I really want to create as my financial future? Where do I see myself being in 5 years’ and 10 years’ time? What would I like to achieve?” By asking these questions, you will become aware of the information you require in order to achieve a thriving financial future.
4. Understand Finance.
If you really want to create wealth, it is essential to educate yourself about money and finance. Do you have a clear picture of your personal financial position? The first thing you need to do is find out how much money you have, how much you owe, how much you spend, and how much you need to generate each month. You must know what it costs you to live the life you desire, so you can see what kind of money will be required to be generated. This is about looking at how things really are, instead of how you would like them to be.
5. Challenge traditional perceptions.
If you are going to create wealth through your business, you must become aware of the possibilities that are available to you. You can no longer cling to familiar turf. Since success will require doing new things in different ways rather doing the same things better, you must be willing to challenge traditional perceptions, assumptions and points of view. You also must have a willingness to venture into uncharted territory. Be open to all possibilities and be willing to look at what you can do that will generate different possibilities.
Once you have chosen, then you are ready to go on the great journey of finding all that this reality has to offer regarding creating wealth. Good hunting!!
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