Turmeric, an ancient spice, is gaining new popularity for it’s complex flavor and myriad health benefits
Early in life I came to realize that what we take in and incorporate into our bodies is what we ultimately make into the destiny known as life’s ‘health journey’.
Since I was a teenager I have toiled and labored in a variable jungle of kitchens working all the way to up to master restaurateur. My expertise led me from small restaurants to health spas and on to major resorts. Through my vast ‘journeys’, I was able to surmise that people’s eating patterns were a direct reflection of their overall health… not only by observation of their physical attributes, but also through their individual eating mannerisms. In my personal cooking regime, I would infuse as many natural ingredients as possible.

One of my two favorite natural spices is turmeric, a beautiful, yellow-gold colored and soft herb, which I use abundantly and consistently in all my preparations.
Turmeric comes from India and touts amazing health benefits that could, literally, change your life.
It is known as a natural anti-inflammatory, which directly attacks the cancer-causing free radicals of the body. To introduce turmeric in your diet, you don’t need to just cook with it. Consuming turmeric with black pepper enhances the curcumin’s bioavailability a thousand times over. It is the black pepper’s hot property called pepperine that allows the health benefits to exceed expectations, including the treatment of high blood pressure, clinical depression, and Alzheimer’s, to name a few.
Turmeric can be taken as a drink as well, just by adding a teaspoon to a large glass of water, or to your shakes with a pinch of black pepper. It is that simple, making the most of this beautiful root and its countless health benefits. You can learn more by visiting one of our websites at www.Lovethechef.com
In talking and promoting turmeric, I realized that consumers, in general, weren’t familiar with, nor knew nothing about assimilating this natural root in our bodies, and all it has to offer. So, I decided to research, develop and write an informational cookbook titled Discovering The Secret Spice Turmeric, available in hard copy and downloadable form at Barnes & Noble, Apple Book Store, Kindle Store, and at Amazon.
I’ve met thousands of people and heard many testimonials attributed to the holistic, naturopathic way of life and turmeric’s health-altering benefits. Today, I continue to travel and promote my products. My turmeric comes directly from India, and I was able to find the best of the country’s offerings, as well as favorable pricing. I have sizes available for home use and in larger wholesale quantities; visit us at www.Turmericstore.com. Also in development, and soon making it to stores, will be sauces, dressings and other favorite foods infused with turmeric and beets (my other favorite spice!). In the meantime, continue to prioritize your health by eating well and enjoy life to the fullest. The best is yet to come!
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