Goldie Hawn’s Hawn Foundation puts mindfulness into practice where it matters most – in our schools and with our youth. Its mission statement: “The Hawn Foundation transforms children’s lives by providing vital social and emotional learning programs to reduce stress and aggressive behavior, improve focus and academic performance, and increase resiliency for success in school and in life.”
Goldie Hawn, despite her ebullient charm, has also suffered from panic and anxiety. Applying tools of mindfulness and meditation, she has learned to manage the fear and pain, and now considers it a life mission to help others, especially children, do the same. MindUp, a signature school program specifically designed to complement a child’s regular curriculum, brings in mindful techniques such as two-minute “brain breaks” and gratitude circles to help them stay more focused on their work, relieve stress, and elevate optimism. Note: The techniques work equally well on adults!