The character of Grumpy Fish was created by Killian Mansfield while he was navigating the world of cancer at the age of 11. It was Killian’s desire to create a relatable image that matched up to his experience, one that conveyed his discomfort, but simultaneously maintained a voracious sense of humor. He was committed to empowering other kids suffering with cancer and wished more of them knew that choosing to eat well and doing acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy etc. could make them feel better. Though Killian passed away in 2009 at age 16, his voice lives on in an inspiring and compassionate way. Today, his legacy continues on through the work of the Killian Mansfield Foundation and the Grumpy Fish books.
14,000 children in this country are diagnosed with cancer each year. 1200 copies of the 1st book were given away to 7 hospitals in 4 states. The goal of the KMF is to provide a book for every child diagnosed. The 2nd book, Grumpy Fish Aid: Comfort Tips From Kids With Cancer, is a fantastic follow-up collaboration of information outlining practical strategies from practitioners, the pediatric oncology community and most importantly patients. Each donation to the KMF, literally puts a book in the hands of a child suffering with cancer. Let’s put our money where our books [and hearts] are!