The ancient art of Feng Shui is not simply about rearranging furniture, it is about amplifying energy flow and personal growth in all aspects
I haven’t a clue how a 15-year-old from the west coast of Ireland first heard about Feng Shui, an ancient energetic art from across the seas in China. However, somehow when the Internet beeped for the first time, I heard it and decided to take the call. Suffice it to say, I’ve been hooked ever since.
For Christmas and birthdays, I’d ask for books about Feng Shui, convinced it would revolutionize my life (and it did). But I had a long way to go before remotely grasping how it all worked. And I definitely had no idea what a true impact it was going to have in so many ways from the onset.
At about the same time our family moved to a new home. Though it was the upgrade my parents had been working hard for, for so many years — it turned out to be quite a double-edged sword. In hindsight, I still believe that the experience was a divine initiation for me to understand the true essence and impacts of Feng Shui.
The new house was a milestone upgrade for our family. It ticked all the boxes: it was bigger, located in a better neighborhood and was the most aesthetically beautiful home we had ever lived in.
Unfortunately, even beautiful homes can be energetically unhappy.
Once moved in, all sorts of strange and difficult situations started to manifest that had never been part of our lives before.
The family dynamic shifted dramatically. Legal suits started coming, battles with neighbors, sickness, eating disorders, and even depression. On a personal level for everyone in the home — life was heavier, harder and very tricky and tiring to navigate.
I know you might be reading this thinking, that’s life, those things happen. And yes, some of it does. Yet, knowing what I know now, and witnessing the extreme contrast of our family’s experience from a year earlier in our previous home — it was very hard to dismiss the common denominator. It was the house that had changed — and it was changing us.
This is an example of an extreme level of ‘home disharmony,’ and how it can impact the occupants. It was our family’s dream home, yet everything started to fall apart once we moved in.
When I started professionally practicing Feng Shui this was also the same story I heard from my clients over and over again. And I wanted to help them change it because I knew exactly what they were experiencing and how they were feeling.
Imagine the frustration of having focused and worked on your personal and professional growth, becoming the best version of yourself — only to be move into your supposed ‘dream house’ and witness all around you begin to go awry. Without an understanding of Feng Shui, it’s hard to consider that one’s living space can in fact be holding them back and actually blocking their greatest potential.
Simply put, until that is addressed — no amount of personal development work will fix it.
In the beginning, I admit, I thought Feng Shui was merely about placement of mirrors, furniture, keeping the toilet seat down and hanging odd trinkets around the home. While some of this is true, there are so many more nuances and complexities involved.
Feng Shui is like acupuncture for your home
When someone visits an acupuncturist they are working at enhancing the movement of chi within their body to feel good and raise their vibration. The art of Feng Shui is the same — it’s about enhancing the movement of chi within your house for you to feel good, to raise your vibration and call in what you want like money, love and harmony.
For example, if someone who is overweight, unhealthy, skeptical of natural therapies, and doesn’t actually want to change any lifestyle habits for themselves, visits an acupuncturist — while the acupuncture will have an effect, it will be harder to sustain the benefits because the person isn’t willing to really change their behaviors to get a different result.
However, if this individual working in conjunction with the acupuncturist, was changing his/her diet, increasing his/her exercise and looking forward to feeling a healthier and leading a better lifestyle — the acupuncture treatments will have a much more sustainable impact upon that person’s body.
The same principles apply with Feng Shui and can achieve the same for you and your home, which is great news if you have already embarked upon your personal development journey.
That said, if you have already begun working on yourself, your mindset, your health, wealth and relationships, but you are still not breaking through and receiving and experiencing what you truly desire — I’ve got more good news: You are ten steps ahead of the game compared to those who are consumed with the placement of mirrors and toilets seats.
Miriam’s story:
Before Feng Shui, things were good, but not as good as they should be. We had a loving relationship and lovely kids, but I noticed there was always a bit of unease and awkwardness with the children. I thought it was just because they were teenagers. In business, it was good, but it felt like hard work with too much bust and boom. I’d been blaming my husband for things not going properly because I was doing all the work.
I did every single thing that Patricia told me. We went out, got all the remedies, and put them in straight away, and the shifts were epic.
I could feel it all changing, and that’s when everything started flowing. Every facet of our lives changed.
Now the kids pop in more often, and they’re really relaxed when they’re here. My husband had the biggest year in business in two or three years. He found fantastic back-up support.
My business has been really amazing, too, because I have made so much more money. Once I put the remedies in, my business doubled the next month, and then the next month it tripled! The thing is, it’s all happened really easily, without me having to work hard. It’s like some-body plucked a pebble out of the pipe that was blocking the flow, and now it’s just gushing. It was like an instant new normal.
Feng Shui Is Creating A Sanctuary
After years of working with homes and people, my understanding of true Feng Shui has shifted profoundly. As you may have surmised, I don’t really care about where your couch is positioned. I care about how your home is directly impacting your life, and this is why I like to describe Feng Shui as acupuncture for your home.
Have you ever walked into a beautiful home, but it’s felt empty or strange?
Feng Shui is all about ‘energy’
Your home is like a person, it has an invisible energy system just like every human being. It has a soul, a personality, eyes, ears, a mouth and every part of your home reflects a different part of your life. And I love that my job is to remedy your home to get the chi running in the right way.
The top three areas I’m always asked about when it comes to remedying a home is:
- How do I bring in more money & abundance?
- How do I have more ease and flow in my life? It’s too busy & stressful!
- How do I attract a new partner? Or improve my existing relationship?
The first thing I do is try to understand the personality of your home and what’s going on in the invisible energies within different areas. This depends upon the year your home was born (built), the positioning, and is more complex than most people imagine.
Your home has nine different areas that all relate to different areas of your life, and this allows me to know how to bring the energies into harmony to increase money flow, positive relationships and even things like more travel, fame, creativity or career success.
There are many complex layers to Feng Shui — but this is where I suggest starting.
Begin by focusing on a few key locations in the home:
The front door and entrance — This is the mouth of your home. Be sure that it is welcoming and easy to access so that the energy actually gets into your home. Avoid having dead plants, cobwebs, or broken items or clutter around the entrance, or a doorbell that doesn’t work. All of those things push energy away — as if they are standing at the front door deflecting the positive energy from entering your home. Don’t have a mirror facing you when you walk into your home – this will also repel the good energy.
The bedroom — The key is to demarcate this space for sleep and intimacy — separate from the other rooms of the house. Focus on creating a ‘sanctuary’, frame your thinking about your bedroom in terms of relaxation. Does your bedroom represent rest, romance, and reprieve? If it doesn’t, it’s time to honor this space and identify the role it plays in your wellbeing.
The walls — Take the time to look around at the walls of your home. Imagery is so important in the home and crucial for energizing and attracting what you want in your life. Pay close attention to the images you have in your personal surroundings. Imagine your home as a physical vision board for the life of your dreams. Make sure the artwork that is hanging in your home is reflective of what you want to welcome into your life.
I always find it so interesting the way our lives unfold. I love that the simple act of paying attention to your energy and environment coupled with making subtle shifts — can have such a profound impact on everyone who is living under that roof. I have witnessed it time and time again.
Feng Shui is a powerful tool to fast track the flow within your house and within your life for everyone, including you, so that you can achieve your dreams with ease and success. Are you ready to go with a new flow?
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