Girls Who Invest founder Seema Hingorani
Seema Hingorani is on a mission. Seeing the percentage of women involved in managing investment funds plummeting to under 10% nationwide, she founded the nonprofit organization Girls Who Invest to educate and support young women seeking a career in the financial investment sector. To her, it’s about more than increasing employment opportunities for women, it’s also about instilling strength and respect in an industry that has tremendous potential for good, but that potential is not actualized, mitigated by shrouds of secrecy, insulation, public distrust — and patriarchy.
Since introducing Girls Who Invest, Hingorani has been met with a groundswell of support from investment and academic communities alike. Why now?
- Gender diversity is good for business, providing more balanced decision-making and a stronger inclination toward social good.
- The percentage of women in the investment sector is at an all-time low, so there is a great opportunity to shift the male-dominated industry.
- The number of female candidates is small, due to lack of awareness and role models. Girls Who Invest will increase the candidate pool through advanced training, networking and connection with employment opportunities.
There are many ways to get involved with Girls Who Invest, as a partner, donor, volunteer, or an applicant for their program. Let’s invest in shifting perceptions, protocols and preconceived notions. Let’s invest in our girls.

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