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A profound social gathering attempts to combat the wars born of egos with a collective consciousness of silence and peace
In Hyderabad, India, from December 29, 2023 to January 13, 2024, a historic and unprecedented event unfolded. Ten thousand people from across the globe participated in an experiment to create peace in the world through silence. Participants hailing from 134 countries gathered in Kanha Shanti ashram to practice Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the advanced TM-Sidhi program. They dedicated themselves to creating peace through the enlivenment of deep silence and coherence in the collective consciousness of the world through their group practice of TM and the advanced TM-Sidhi program, including yogic flying. I was thrilled to be one of them.
During the practice of TM, the mind effortlessly settles down to the state of least excitation of consciousness. This is pure consciousness, the simplest state of human awareness. Pure consciousness is a state of perfect balance, perfect orderliness and inner bliss. Scientific experiments have shown increased harmony between all parts of the brain during the practice. There is also a pronounced reduction of psychological stress factors related to cardiovascular diseases. These positive changes occur as a result of the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation.
During the practice of yogic flying, brainwave coherence is magnified, and this is why large groups practicing yogic flying together can radiate a powerful influence of harmony and coherence into world consciousness.
The beauty of this group of ten thousand people was the incredible level of harmony, happiness and openness they expressed. There was such a family feeling among all the diverse cultures represented on the course.
Upon my arrival in Hyderabad airport, I registered with an Indian man from the ashram. While waiting for the bus to take us to the ashram, I met a lady from Romania who was visiting India for the first time. On the bus, I sat next to a woman from Poland. At the ashram, I met friends from Russia. At the housing desk, there was a man from Netherlands. It was a truly international gathering. There were nearly six thousand participants from India, and four thousand from outside India. They were united by their collective commitment to create world peace. They came to produce a positive transformation in the world.
All wars begin in the minds of men. The only way to permanently stop wars is by transforming the incoherent thought patterns and subsequent build-up of tensions prevailing in the collective consciousness of the world.
Scientific experiments on Transcendental Meditation have shown that when large groups participating in the TM-Sidhi program exceed the square root of one percent of the population, there is a decrease in negative tendencies, such as crime, accidents, and hospital admissions. The practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program creates harmony and coherence in brain functioning and this effect is amplified when large groups meditate and practice yogic flying together for an extended period of time. The effect of coherence radiates into the collective consciousness of society.
The reason for the gathering of ten thousand people is that the square root of one percent of the world’s population is approximately nine thousand people. When such a large group meditates together, the effect of harmony spreads out into the entire world and reduces disorder, incoherence and negative tendencies. But in order to create a lasting peace, at least one permanent group of ten thousand must be maintained. The aim of the TM organization is to create a number of ten thousand groups to safeguard the security of the world.
The most recent findings in quantum field theory explain that the universe is composed of one field of waves of energy which are constantly interacting with each other with an infinite frequency. Even matter is energy; although appearing to be solid, physical objects are mainly composed of empty space. We can apply this theory and leverage our collective spirit to overcome the greed and corruption…and war…propogated by the egos of a few.
Today, the methods used to alleviate conflicts must become more subtle. We have never succeeded in stopping wars through treaties, organizations or forming alliances. We must adopt a new technology which is more far-reaching and which has no negative side-effects. One that taps onto the infinite energy field of our unity consciousness. War can be prevented by increasing the harmony in the collective consciousness of every nation. Create world peace through silence.
The silence of pure consciousness is a new, and yet ancient technology to create world peace.
Within Vedic literature, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it says:
“In the vicinity of Yogic influence — unifying influence, integrating influence, coherent and harmonious influence — conflicting tendencies do not arise.” Yog-Sutra, 2.35
This is the Vedic technology of defense. It is the method that prevents conflicts from arising. The world is in urgent need of such a technology today.
You may also enjoy reading Creating a Harmonious World Through a Coherence of Consciousness, by Barbara Ann Briggs.