Erin Stutland’s spiritual journey lead her to discover the profound power of movement, and she’s built a career around helping others discover the same
Ever since I was a little girl, I couldn’t sit still. I was that kid who had to make an agreement with my second-grade teacher that would allow me to stand next to my desk. I felt more focused and relaxed when given the opportunity to move or fidget a bit. Likely someone with undiagnosed ADHD, as I got older, I had accompanying symptoms such as anxiety, which often leads to depression. In my case, both were prevalent. Movement, dance specifically, became a form of meditation for me. It was there that I felt my mind to be most quiet. It was the only place I felt free from both the specter of anxiety and depression.
As I deepened my interest in spirituality as a form of self-healing, I found there was a way to marry the movement that I loved with the concepts of acceptance, confidence, and intention – concepts that are often only taught intellectually.
As I developed my program, I understood the power of getting these concepts into my muscles, bones, and cells. Movement combined with spiritual thought has a longer lasting impact than just reading about them in a book.
The best thing is that none of this has to be hard. In fact, it’s easy, and when we apply the concepts, movement actually becomes an absolute joy. We can gain a deep sense of self-awareness and increased self-esteem when we approach it properly, which has an impact on every part of our lives. After all, movement in your body creates movement in your life.
Try Erin’s fabulous 5 minute workout
Learn more at erinstutland.com
Erin’s Shrink Sessions:
A Shrink Session is sweat therapy that will tone your body and expand your mind. Combining cardio-dance, yoga, meditation, and mantras, this heart-pumping workout invites you to explore new territories where what you never believed was possible becomes so. New ideas are birthed, new trails are blazed, and you release years of self-doubt and criticism, all in a single workout. Imagine a dance party/rock concert for your life and YOU are the star!
Shrink Session Digital: Join us for online workouts, coaching, and meditations.
Shrink Session Live: Join us for classes in NYC.
Learn more at shrinksessionworkout.com
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