Finding your true self, which thrives on love and intuition, requires separating the ego mind, which thrives on fear and judgment
Are we an intelligent species? If so, why do we listen to thoughts like: I’m not good enough or I can’t do it or I should be better? What causes us to hold onto negative thoughts like that and keep thinking them over and over again? What’s the point? It’s as if someone else is in charge of what we think. That ‘someone else’ is what we call the Ego-Mind – a hodgepodge of ideas, impressions and beliefs that sashayed into our lives when we were young children. This ego-mind is what you learned about yourself from others, from experiences, and from the society you grew up in. Crucially, however, it’s important to understand that this is not actually YOU. It’s only who you think you are – and there’s a world of difference between that and your true self.
We need to be courageous if we want to allow our authentic self to shine through. We need to allow ourselves to question what we believe about our deeper sense of self. When you allow this to happen you gradually begin to trust that there’s something incredibly loving and intelligent behind everything. This knowing is way beyond the capacity of your mind to embrace. Your mind doesn’t know how to take suns, planets and solar systems and hurtle them around galaxies. Your mind doesn’t know how to make life happen. It can’t comprehend that there was no beginning and that there is no end. It can’t understand eternity because it lives in the dimension of time.
The mind is amazingly arrogant. It simply wants to believe what it believes; it doesn’t want to let go and is happy to stay in its own little bubble of consciousness.
That’s what your current state of consciousness is like: a bubble. It’s got a size and shape that defines it. Although it is easy to stay in your bubble, that eventually gets repetitious, boring and sterile. You believe what you believe and that’s the way it is. There are millions of other bubbles floating around, and they all believe what they believe, too. But wait! Our bubbles are floating around in something vast, spacious and open. We need to allow ourselves to open into that space – into the immense world of limitless possibility – rather than stay stuck in our self-serving ego-minds.
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do – anyone can learn to dis-identify from their idea of who they are. What matters is that you trust that this is possible. It’s a Knowing – not a thought, or a belief, or a religion. It’s a way of living from your deepest self. Whether God exists or not doesn’t concern you because, either way, it’s just a belief. Nobody really knows anyhow! Yes, you may have convinced yourself that your version of God is the right one, but truthfully, you don’t know! Perhaps you are finally realizing, like many of us, that the mind-made world is quite insane at times. Yet you collude with it. You identify with it and so a part of you wants the insanity to continue. Why? Because you are afraid to let go.
Humanity is afraid. The mind-made ego-world that we’ve created is founded on fear. Politics, religions and the media sell us this fear and we eagerly consume it. We buy things because of it. We have bought into the fear that businesses sell to us every day. But who are you without your fear? Who are you without something to worry about, moan about, fight against or stress about? Who are you without your possessions, your beliefs, your home, your role, your position?
Most of us think we are the dancer. We’re not. We’re being danced – by greed, by lust for power and control, by insecurity, by holding on or holding back, by needing to be approved of by others, by needing to be against something. These are all subtle forms of our need to be acknowledged. We think we’re intelligent but we’ve forgotten how arrogant we are. We’re listening far too much to our heads and not enough to our hearts. We’re being danced by a subtle lie called the Ego-Mind.
The Ego-Mind encourages you to be so attached to the idea of who you are, and who God is or is not, that you’ve lost touch with the real You — the ‘God-You,’ if you like. The You that can choose anything in any moment. The You that can create, with love, simply by allowing yourself to be You. That is the You that deserves to be fed your love and attention.
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