Dear Best Selfers,
OK, so there’s a first for everything, right? And this was certainly a first for me.
I’ve never known anyone who’s made a bid for the Presidency of the United States before, but I can now check that off my list! Actually I can check it twice because we have two featured Best Selfers, Congressman Tim Ryan and Marianne Williamson, who have both thrown their hats into the political ring for the 2020 election.
And you know what? That’s damn exciting if you ask me.
It’s about time that we see these kinds of messages being brought to the table — and the Oval Office. Because I believe without them, we cannot heal as a country on a deeper and much needed level. We can no longer compartmentalize the things that are most important to us. And for all of our friends across the globe living outside of the U.S. — the trickle down impact of American politics has far reach. Besides, this is also a human conversation.
Finally messages of health, wellness, spirituality, inclusion and most of all, hope, are being brought forth. I’m excited about bright and innovative minds that see the interconnectedness of the big picture.
A few years ago when I first interviewed Tim, he said something that really stuck with me: We have people who want to be one with the Universe, but don’t want to be one with DC.
How many times have you heard people say they just don’t want to talk about politics or that it’s too messy or dirty?
That’s just not ok. We need to show up with our hearts, our wellness woo woo, our compassion, our intelligence, our spirituality, our entrepreneurial spirit, etc. — and do our part and be a part of the conversation. That’s who Tim Ryan is and what he’s all about: restoring the health of the body politic from the inside out.
That’s why we are excited to bring forth this feature of Congressman Tim Ryan — and to remind ourselves why we have to be a part of the change we wish to see. If we don’t, we can’t sit idly on the sidelines complaining.
So instead, let’s imagine a mindful nation of thoughtful leaders who connect the dots body, mind and spirit while walking the political get-the-job-done walk. I don’t know about you, but this gives me restored hope for the future.
These are exciting times we are living in. Let’s find ways to be a part of the conversation.

~ Kristen

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